Part 1: Sat in the train station waiting lounge.
So - having had yet another massive till malfunction at work which knocked the systems out for a full hour and a half, I'm delighted to tell you I balanced in record time and was away WELL before my usual leaving time.
And yes, I am now sat at the station, awaiting a train. He thinks I'm stuck at home alone due to a lack of trains. However, the truth of it is I've been chatting to one of His housemates, and carefully arranged so I turn up without Him having a clue as to what's going on! And I brought munchies. Bless him, he did invite me and everything, and I had to "turn him down" because I couldn't get there. Well, it'll be worth it!
And now I'm getting footcramp, so I'll be back later.
Happy New Year!
"I went to the social to get a loan of £130. You know how much they gave me? Six pounds and fifteen pence!" - Indignant chappy drinking lager with a rottweiler cross at the station.
Monday, 31 December 2007
Sunday, 30 December 2007
Some Silly Stuff and Computer Crashes...
Ooh - news! The dragon turns out to be female! Anyway, I (being the sop I am) bought the dragon a gorgeous (and a bit expensive) chunk of grapevine, and a salad cage. As you know, He has been visiting, and the dragon took a shine to His empty chocolate box. Needless to say, the chocolate box has been played with more than the expensive toys. Time of typing: 22:45 - Dragon is curled up asleep in said empty carton for the second night in a row, having been scrabbling about and digging in the corner for some time...
What else has happened... Hmm, well, in the last few days, I've been stuck on a bus that had the gearbox destroyed, got stuck on a bus with a flat battery, had ANOTHER laptop crash (thus the delay in updating), had a fabulous powercut due to a MASSIVE storm bringing down the wires, had the tills all crash at work on Saturday, and today I got peed on by a salamander. Can't say any of those were high on my list of things to do - all I can say is thank goodness for portable lamps, laptop batteries and anti-bac handwash.

Ooh! Mince pie!
Quote of the day: "Dad, 55 doesn't come in capitals." - My sister, pointing out the unnoticed obvious and making my stepfather look delightfully ridiculous. Kudos Kiddo!
Monday, 24 December 2007
General Greetings to All!
Oh dear - another week has wandered past without me noticing! Mind you, doesn't help that I lost all my blogging backups when the laptop decided to have another hissy fit - but normal service is resumed. I did my usual trick to repair it - shut my eyes and poked buttons until it did something. I just did the same thing with another broken file; I wanted to listen to an online radio show, and the programme I had wasn't letting me. I over-rode it, and ran it through a little something I don't know how I did... Ran it through some sort of a subroutiney-thing hidden in the back of the media player apparently. I'm impressed with me, for finding it. It works when I get lost somewhere I don't know as well. I stop thinking about it, and just wind up where I'm supposed to be!
Anyway, it's Christmas Eve. I'm halfway through finishing the last of my giftwrapping, my phone occasionally beeping and my grandparents sat on the creaky sofa. One appears to be doing a crossword and coughing, the other... Bother. I tried to lean forward to read the title, and the page was turned. A book by Catherine Cookson anyway. My kitchen is suddenly full of items of food, an almost obscene amount in my opinion, but sure as hey I'm not going to complain!
Oh! Oh! And VITALITE! Marvellous, wonderful, dairy-free deliciousness! Sunflowery goodness! I forgot how good it really is - mashed potato just hasn't been the same without it. And Utterly Butterly just doesn't stand up to my favourite brand. I've had sandwiches with it in, mashed tatties, will have it with pasta and on Boxing Day will do mushrooms with Vitalite and Garlic sauce...
There appears to be a bag of gifts, but I'm being very good and resisting.
Oh, and for those that were asking, the weekend was quiet, ate out twice; the good Cafe Rouge was perfect as always, (that steak was magnificent, really blew Him away. Mum, you're always right when it comes to fine foods, I always appreciate your comments.) and Say Pasta happily reserved us a table and came up with a rather splendid dish containing asparagus. But far too much almond I'm afraid. Oh well, it happens. But turns out He likes asparagus, having not tried it before - "Hmm. It's sort of... sort of string beany crunchy, with almost a sweetcorn flavour but then goes kind of good and mushy." See, asparagus is a superb vegetable, I love it. Asparagus and chicken pie is one of my favourite foods too. With mashed tatties and peas... Although Rouge's rather clever use of sour cream instead of whipped on the chocolate ganache, oh yum.
Quote of the whole flippin' week: "Now to find a train. And some pants. But not necessarily in that order." - Rej.
Anyway, it's Christmas Eve. I'm halfway through finishing the last of my giftwrapping, my phone occasionally beeping and my grandparents sat on the creaky sofa. One appears to be doing a crossword and coughing, the other... Bother. I tried to lean forward to read the title, and the page was turned. A book by Catherine Cookson anyway. My kitchen is suddenly full of items of food, an almost obscene amount in my opinion, but sure as hey I'm not going to complain!
There appears to be a bag of gifts, but I'm being very good and resisting.
Oh, and for those that were asking, the weekend was quiet, ate out twice; the good Cafe Rouge was perfect as always, (that steak was magnificent, really blew Him away. Mum, you're always right when it comes to fine foods, I always appreciate your comments.) and Say Pasta happily reserved us a table and came up with a rather splendid dish containing asparagus. But far too much almond I'm afraid. Oh well, it happens. But turns out He likes asparagus, having not tried it before - "Hmm. It's sort of... sort of string beany crunchy, with almost a sweetcorn flavour but then goes kind of good and mushy." See, asparagus is a superb vegetable, I love it. Asparagus and chicken pie is one of my favourite foods too. With mashed tatties and peas... Although Rouge's rather clever use of sour cream instead of whipped on the chocolate ganache, oh yum.
Quote of the whole flippin' week: "Now to find a train. And some pants. But not necessarily in that order." - Rej.
Sunday, 16 December 2007
What a Weekend... (Again!)
Written on the train home...
Saturday: Left the house at what seems a ridiculously early hour to catch the train. Being the jammy dodger I am, even having got out late, and then having to run back for the phone, I still managed to stroll up to the stop just as the bus pulled up! The journey itself was, as ever with the English Rail System, uneventful, besides the rare oddity of the train actually being a few seconds EARLY, as opposed to 40 minutes late (in reference to last week)... However, on arriving, got a brief tour round the town, dropped off bags, and went in search of Opalfruits. No, not Starburst. I refuse to CALL them by that!
Opalfruits, Opalfruits, OPALFRUITS DAMMIT! *mutters something about the idiocy of the trades description name change - since when did Opalfruits contain stars, or for that matter, actually burst. At least they LOOK opaly, when chewed, and they do have real fruit in them. Nowadays.)
Hmmm. Some random bloke sat opposite me on the train justy went "Expelliarmus" for no apparent reason... Perhaps it was my bowler hat and long striped scarf with predominantly black clothing that set him off?
Again, as with last week, some wonderful touring of an area I don't know, lots of exploring the Rich and diverse world. Also, another fabulous cafe - Mocha, owned by a rather nice chappie called Tom. A natural showman, for such a small cafe, it was PACKED, clientelle coming and going, but he still found time to find us a comfortable seat.And the most delicious mince pie I have tasted in a LONG time. Oh yum, I could do with one of those now, and sod it to the crumbs in the keyboard.
And because I promised I would - Thirty Seven. You know what I'm on about.
The evening consisted of a rather lovely meal at Frankie & Benny's (Binky and Frannies?! Annnnyway...), where I finally got my favourite dish of all time: Mushroom Lasagne. LOTS of white sauce, tomatoes and red pepper to flavour, with faaaar too much (*pish* as if there was ever such a thing!) parmesan cheese. Oh, and lots of laughter, people-watching, and a rather delicious sundae. It was supposed to be a chocolate brownie sundae, but surprised me (no, not the chocolate brownies and icecream, that was taken as read. Do be sensible!) by having custard, red berries, sauces and lots of cream too. And yes, I made another napkin dolly.
Shanghai Noon upon arriving back, but missed half of it sadly as, for a start, the programme I was using to play it decided it was going to play the movie in two halves. Shame really, I do appreciate the works of Jackie Chan, but oh well. Some suppage of Bundaberg Royal later, it was a case of a headlong dash through the freezing cold to my overnight lodgings... Freeze the balls off a brass monkey? Nearly froze the rest of said monkey too.
Sunday morning discovered me waking up ridiculously early (as per usual), trying to get back to sleep, and failing badly. So instead, I luxuriated in a good stretch, a little light exercise, and then George Orwell's "1984". (The Richard Burton/John Hurt version.) A very odd movie, inspired a lot of thought, and indeed conversation later on. I am mildly ashamed to say I had a VERY laid back day, not getting out of bed until very late indeed. Why is it that having a lie-in leaves you more tired than if you got up and went out? Missed the sunrise, so have this one instead. I'm very impressed, especially by the painted version!
And, as now mentioned, am wending my way back to Bath via public transport. Another pleasant weekend, another long week lies ahead. I really ought to wrap some more presents, I've hardly done ANY yet. But, fortunately, in search of Opalfruits, I did wind up in a Wilkinson's (oh joy! For we do not have one in the wonderful city of Bath) and replenished my supply of gift tags and the like!
Having said all the above, my somewhat tired battery (and brain) is due to give out on me very shortly, so here I will say "Sayonara for laters" and leave you with the quote:
Quote of the WEEKEND: "Hoi Sin on the wallpaper." - RP, I laughed so much it HURT. I still think you should get one of these:
Saturday: Left the house at what seems a ridiculously early hour to catch the train. Being the jammy dodger I am, even having got out late, and then having to run back for the phone, I still managed to stroll up to the stop just as the bus pulled up! The journey itself was, as ever with the English Rail System, uneventful, besides the rare oddity of the train actually being a few seconds EARLY, as opposed to 40 minutes late (in reference to last week)... However, on arriving, got a brief tour round the town, dropped off bags, and went in search of Opalfruits. No, not Starburst. I refuse to CALL them by that!

Hmmm. Some random bloke sat opposite me on the train justy went "Expelliarmus" for no apparent reason... Perhaps it was my bowler hat and long striped scarf with predominantly black clothing that set him off?
Again, as with last week, some wonderful touring of an area I don't know, lots of exploring the Rich and diverse world. Also, another fabulous cafe - Mocha, owned by a rather nice chappie called Tom. A natural showman, for such a small cafe, it was PACKED, clientelle coming and going, but he still found time to find us a comfortable seat.And the most delicious mince pie I have tasted in a LONG time. Oh yum, I could do with one of those now, and sod it to the crumbs in the keyboard.
And because I promised I would - Thirty Seven. You know what I'm on about.
Shanghai Noon upon arriving back, but missed half of it sadly as, for a start, the programme I was using to play it decided it was going to play the movie in two halves. Shame really, I do appreciate the works of Jackie Chan, but oh well. Some suppage of Bundaberg Royal later, it was a case of a headlong dash through the freezing cold to my overnight lodgings... Freeze the balls off a brass monkey? Nearly froze the rest of said monkey too.

And, as now mentioned, am wending my way back to Bath via public transport. Another pleasant weekend, another long week lies ahead. I really ought to wrap some more presents, I've hardly done ANY yet. But, fortunately, in search of Opalfruits, I did wind up in a Wilkinson's (oh joy! For we do not have one in the wonderful city of Bath) and replenished my supply of gift tags and the like!
Having said all the above, my somewhat tired battery (and brain) is due to give out on me very shortly, so here I will say "Sayonara for laters" and leave you with the quote:
Quote of the WEEKEND: "Hoi Sin on the wallpaper." - RP, I laughed so much it HURT. I still think you should get one of these:
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Wow, What a Weekend!
I can only apologise for the severe lateness. (Doesn't help that my trusty laptop died temporarily)
It's been such a strange week...
It started off on Friday.
Friday, I was contemplating to a friend about having to go to Work's Christmas Party, where I barely know anyone. And He kindly offered to come with me. So, on comes Saturday, washing done, and I'm at the train station... The train has been delayed. Oh. The train has been CANCELLED. I could have died, having to go alone, not to mention having already paid the Hilton's extortionate prices... But Mr Murphy has clearly decided to be kind to me, and 40 minutes later, a bus pulls up.
"Um, I seem to have discovered a puddle in my shoe. Is there anywhere good to get some new ones?" - that HAS to be the BEST first line I have ever heard. Needless to say, we went and found a shoe shop. It was TIPPING it down and blowing a gale after all.
By the time we were heading back out on the bus to find The Saracen's Head (work were meeting up there first) we'd laughed about everything and anything - and my dragon has never responded so openly to a stranger before. Sorry mum, you'll be jealous - not only did Je get licks, He also got the VERY rare dragon-nuzzle... (even I don't get those often!) Kyle's met literally hundreds of people, and I haven't seen him react to someone like that before - could it just be that he likes denim? Mind you, having said that, Eden likes Him too. Straaaaange.
As to the Hilton itself - what a complete fiasco! Work'd put in the orders over a week in advance. The nice bloke come to visit was a last minute add-on. Interestingly, the Hilton handed over all His dishes right first time - but not ONE of mine. For starters, I don't eat Pate. (I don't trust it.) Twice I tried to point out that wasn't what I ordered, but I still had it put in front of me anyway. So I stuck it on the empty table next to me, and finally got my terrine. Which pleased Him, because He got two starters, hehehehe! Anyway, main course, I got offered the wrong thing again. For goodness sake, my order is written on the place marker in front of me - there's no need when sweets came round to offer me cheesecake FOUR times, yes, FOUR times, when I had quite clearly ordered christmas pudding.
But, besides that, we had a very cool time, chatting about random rubbish, and watching (very) drunk colleagues of mine trying to dance. The music was horrifically cheesy (even to my tastes, and I like Tiger Feet for crying out loud... but then so does He.) and when it came to "Amarillo" or whatever that damned Peter Kay song is, it was time to go. That and they kept pratting around with the lighting and threw our table into pitch black. Thanks.
Ordering the taxi turned out to be a whole new ball game. I don't know where the Hilton get their staff, but English is not their first language. Please, don't take that wrong, I'm not racist by ANY stretch of the imagination (in fact, I'm indescriminate), but it really doesn't help when you want something and the staff don't understand. *sighs* Needless to say, the taxi arrived for "Miss Patrick" - which is NOTHING like my name, except it begins with a P. Which resulted in a minor argument with the driver that it WAS for me, until the skies opened with a torrential WHOOSH and we piled in anyway.
Coming home discovered a house full of people, all the sleeping spaces taken up. So yes, this nice bloke slept in my bed. Oh come now, I thought better of you than that! I slept on the floor thanks. And only after much protesting on His behalf. Which caused much hilarity - "Young lady, we will be having words in the morning about you letting strange men sleep in your bed" - thanks, trying not to laugh out loud and ending up in a wheezing ball on the floor. Me oh my, that has me laughing even now.
Sunday later (if I have time)...
And apologies for lack of pictures, this is just a quick text-only rattle.
Back later!
It's been such a strange week...
It started off on Friday.
Friday, I was contemplating to a friend about having to go to Work's Christmas Party, where I barely know anyone. And He kindly offered to come with me. So, on comes Saturday, washing done, and I'm at the train station... The train has been delayed. Oh. The train has been CANCELLED. I could have died, having to go alone, not to mention having already paid the Hilton's extortionate prices... But Mr Murphy has clearly decided to be kind to me, and 40 minutes later, a bus pulls up.
"Um, I seem to have discovered a puddle in my shoe. Is there anywhere good to get some new ones?" - that HAS to be the BEST first line I have ever heard. Needless to say, we went and found a shoe shop. It was TIPPING it down and blowing a gale after all.
By the time we were heading back out on the bus to find The Saracen's Head (work were meeting up there first) we'd laughed about everything and anything - and my dragon has never responded so openly to a stranger before. Sorry mum, you'll be jealous - not only did Je get licks, He also got the VERY rare dragon-nuzzle... (even I don't get those often!) Kyle's met literally hundreds of people, and I haven't seen him react to someone like that before - could it just be that he likes denim? Mind you, having said that, Eden likes Him too. Straaaaange.
As to the Hilton itself - what a complete fiasco! Work'd put in the orders over a week in advance. The nice bloke come to visit was a last minute add-on. Interestingly, the Hilton handed over all His dishes right first time - but not ONE of mine. For starters, I don't eat Pate. (I don't trust it.) Twice I tried to point out that wasn't what I ordered, but I still had it put in front of me anyway. So I stuck it on the empty table next to me, and finally got my terrine. Which pleased Him, because He got two starters, hehehehe! Anyway, main course, I got offered the wrong thing again. For goodness sake, my order is written on the place marker in front of me - there's no need when sweets came round to offer me cheesecake FOUR times, yes, FOUR times, when I had quite clearly ordered christmas pudding.
But, besides that, we had a very cool time, chatting about random rubbish, and watching (very) drunk colleagues of mine trying to dance. The music was horrifically cheesy (even to my tastes, and I like Tiger Feet for crying out loud... but then so does He.) and when it came to "Amarillo" or whatever that damned Peter Kay song is, it was time to go. That and they kept pratting around with the lighting and threw our table into pitch black. Thanks.
Ordering the taxi turned out to be a whole new ball game. I don't know where the Hilton get their staff, but English is not their first language. Please, don't take that wrong, I'm not racist by ANY stretch of the imagination (in fact, I'm indescriminate), but it really doesn't help when you want something and the staff don't understand. *sighs* Needless to say, the taxi arrived for "Miss Patrick" - which is NOTHING like my name, except it begins with a P. Which resulted in a minor argument with the driver that it WAS for me, until the skies opened with a torrential WHOOSH and we piled in anyway.
Coming home discovered a house full of people, all the sleeping spaces taken up. So yes, this nice bloke slept in my bed. Oh come now, I thought better of you than that! I slept on the floor thanks. And only after much protesting on His behalf. Which caused much hilarity - "Young lady, we will be having words in the morning about you letting strange men sleep in your bed" - thanks, trying not to laugh out loud and ending up in a wheezing ball on the floor. Me oh my, that has me laughing even now.
Sunday later (if I have time)...
And apologies for lack of pictures, this is just a quick text-only rattle.
Back later!
Friday, 7 December 2007
Ubiquitious Update

Oooh - I bought cake! Yummy cake! Expensive cake... £25 for a Christmas cake. Blimey.
But on the other hand, it is amazing, really heavy with fruit, loaded with whisky, pretty and bloomin' tasty. (Woo for free samples!) AND comes in it's own tin! So that's stashed away where only I know (and even now I'm not sure myself) until closer to Christmas time, because my lovely grandparents have decided to come stay over whilst my housemates are away. And let's face it, my grandmother is somewhat partial to a little bit of fruitcake. Photo of cake closer to the time. (IE, when I can FIND it.)
Southern Comfort may be lovely, but I don't know why people think it's not a whisky. I like mine tall with lemonade, and a twist of lime juice with some fruit. Kyle doesn't like lime either it appears, so I have to eat the slice by myself (yummy! I'm not complaining...). And the bus went without me! There I was, contentedly waiting in the near blistering cold, when the darned thing just went "WHOOSH" - straight past. I apologise to the people who were walking past at the time, I don't normally swear, but I was very cold and had been waiting 20 minutes. Even so, the remarkable string of expletives might have been a bit much.
Anyway, I have to run, I have a party to go to tonight! (This update's a bit all over the place. More later.)
Today's Quote: "Yep, you're snotty, l'm a git; l think l've heard that one before somewhere" - the ever-refreshing TD.
Saturday, 1 December 2007
Dragon Dining and Customer Confusion...
Spyyk was doing the "I'm not touching" stare at me this morning. It's a specific GLARE that means you have to turn over and tell him to sod off, then stick a book in his line of vision, or it keeps you awake. Don't keep axolotl in your bedroom, they get in your brain.
It's been a strange week. On Sunday, I figured that the dragon sleeps under his UV all week, so a few hours out wouldn't do any harm. So on went his leash, and we hit the city! He settled happily in the top of my rollneck shirt as we wandered a couple of shops, much to other customers' fascination. We got held up at the gemstore for about half an hour, as he got shown around to nosy people, and then meandered into a cafe so he could have a sleep on me to warm up and I could read my book and sup hot chocolate. (As it was getting bloomin' cold out!)
When he emerged at about 5pm, we wandered off down to Cafe Rouge - the same place my family took me to when they were down. Stuck my head in, checked it was ok, and the dragon and I dined. They even gave him a free little salad, much to the amusement of several other diners. I had to keep putting my fork down to talk about him to young children that kept queueing up by my table... He loved it, and they loved him.
Once he'd promptly ignored his dinky salad, besides licking it a few times, rendering it inedible (sorry Kyle, I love ya, but not yer bug-munching dragon spit) and I'd finished my dinner, we headed on out to the Coeurs de Lion - the smallest pub in Bath. Well. He went down an absolute STORM in there. I had to turn down the free drinks, I'd already had two and wanted to get back to my bus-stop safely, but he's certainly good as an ice-breaker. (Especially when he's busy licking menus... Strange beast) He also discovered he dislikes lemon slices, and has a surprisingly human reaction - pulling faces and backing off.
Pointless item of the week:
"Handmade to order in solid 9ct gold -inlaid with a diamond, includes a solid gold swivel clip to attach to your dog`s collar. A unique, personal gift to your best friend." At a whopping £249! Ooer. I mean, I've heard of spoiling your pets, but isn't that a little extreme? I wanted something nice for my dragon's leash, so I just bought him a nice jingly bell in green to match his ribbon. It was a massive 15p!
Work has been it's usual fascinating self, customers are a whole different species. My favourite customer confession this week has to be the bloke that stored his money in the microwave whilst he went on holiday. He came back, forgot it was all hidden in there, turned it on... and of course, the metal strips inside the note caused a spark. He'd come in with a little bag full of charred scraps and ashes.
This new "chip and pin" causes lots of confusion with customers too. One was particularly spectacular; firstly mistaking the pen holder for the card reader, and trying to work out how to insert said card. I was very tempted to stay quiet until they noticed the pen sticking out of the top, but I just don't have the heart to be that cruel. So I laughed, and pointed to the reader instead, much to their embarrassment. Hehehehehe. Oh, but it gets better! The customer put the card in backwards. I told them to take it out, turn it round. So they took it out, and turned it a full 360 degrees - thus putting it back in backwards again. No. Take it out, turn it towards YOU. So the customer took it out, turned the chip the right way round... then put it in upside down. Riiight. Take it out, turn it the other way up. So the customer turned it so the chip was down, but in backwards. I could have hit my head on the desk. "Put the card in, so that the chip is downwards, and facing you." After a couple more attempts - we got there.
I did get free pizza on Wednesday however, and free drinks last night, courtesy of the company. But then I got stuck in the torrential rain. For 30 minutes, as the bus continued not to arrive. So there we all are, lots of people hiding by themselves under umbrellas, and myself with mine. And being the sort I am, I ended up sheltering an Asian lad, a French girl, and a bloke from Poland called David under it too. Well, I'd hate to have been stood without a brolly in THAT rain - it was literally bucketing it down. All those other selfish people not sharing their dry-space, and myself with my tiny little umbrella... (Not sure where the photo's from, but happy to reference if someone finds me the source.)
Quote for today: "ohhhhhhhhhhh snake think has grass in her shoesssssssssssssss, her mums got the bluessssssssss but then she found outtttttt she`s going to heaven; cos she aint 5 foot twhooooooooooo... she`s 4 foot eleven!" - the remarkable lyrical qualities of Mikey Guitar.
indigo _ blue _ fish @ hotmail . co . uk

When he emerged at about 5pm, we wandered off down to Cafe Rouge - the same place my family took me to when they were down. Stuck my head in, checked it was ok, and the dragon and I dined. They even gave him a free little salad, much to the amusement of several other diners. I had to keep putting my fork down to talk about him to young children that kept queueing up by my table... He loved it, and they loved him.
Once he'd promptly ignored his dinky salad, besides licking it a few times, rendering it inedible (sorry Kyle, I love ya, but not yer bug-munching dragon spit) and I'd finished my dinner, we headed on out to the Coeurs de Lion - the smallest pub in Bath. Well. He went down an absolute STORM in there. I had to turn down the free drinks, I'd already had two and wanted to get back to my bus-stop safely, but he's certainly good as an ice-breaker. (Especially when he's busy licking menus... Strange beast) He also discovered he dislikes lemon slices, and has a surprisingly human reaction - pulling faces and backing off.
"Handmade to order in solid 9ct gold -inlaid with a diamond, includes a solid gold swivel clip to attach to your dog`s collar. A unique, personal gift to your best friend." At a whopping £249! Ooer. I mean, I've heard of spoiling your pets, but isn't that a little extreme? I wanted something nice for my dragon's leash, so I just bought him a nice jingly bell in green to match his ribbon. It was a massive 15p!
Work has been it's usual fascinating self, customers are a whole different species. My favourite customer confession this week has to be the bloke that stored his money in the microwave whilst he went on holiday. He came back, forgot it was all hidden in there, turned it on... and of course, the metal strips inside the note caused a spark. He'd come in with a little bag full of charred scraps and ashes.
This new "chip and pin" causes lots of confusion with customers too. One was particularly spectacular; firstly mistaking the pen holder for the card reader, and trying to work out how to insert said card. I was very tempted to stay quiet until they noticed the pen sticking out of the top, but I just don't have the heart to be that cruel. So I laughed, and pointed to the reader instead, much to their embarrassment. Hehehehehe. Oh, but it gets better! The customer put the card in backwards. I told them to take it out, turn it round. So they took it out, and turned it a full 360 degrees - thus putting it back in backwards again. No. Take it out, turn it towards YOU. So the customer took it out, turned the chip the right way round... then put it in upside down. Riiight. Take it out, turn it the other way up. So the customer turned it so the chip was down, but in backwards. I could have hit my head on the desk. "Put the card in, so that the chip is downwards, and facing you." After a couple more attempts - we got there.

Quote for today: "ohhhhhhhhhhh snake think has grass in her shoesssssssssssssss, her mums got the bluessssssssss but then she found outtttttt she`s going to heaven; cos she aint 5 foot twhooooooooooo... she`s 4 foot eleven!" - the remarkable lyrical qualities of Mikey Guitar.
indigo _ blue _ fish @ hotmail . co . uk
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