Having taken my bike in for a service and discovering I am stranded on an industrial estate for the better part of two hours, I find myself in a small cafe, Ell's Kitchen. Somewhat frustratingly, the networks in the area are closed with WAP keys, thus looking unsecured until you try to tap them.
On the other hand, there are green and white checked plastic tablecloths, tattooed bikers eating "Hell's Breakfast" and thankfully they serve a fried egg and mushroom sammich. I feel right at home in my sleeveless shirt and biker bottoms. Not so with my book and my little blue laptop, but hey, you can't win everything.
Besides this freakin' sammich. I mean damn, this is the GOD of Eggshroom sammiches. The bread, I exaggerate not, is an INCH thick. Each slice! The mushrooms are fried into crispy submission, and the yolk exploded satisfactorially. And messily. Bread that thick is difficult to get around! So sitting here in this greasy spoon with a yellow smeared plate and a can of coke, noting the slightly odd smell of seaweed drifting in the door, I'm reminded very much of Home. Days working at Instores and nipping into the similarily greasy spoon next door. Marvellous. (Toast: Toastalicious.com)
Interestingly, Cineworld Screen 4 does have a WIFI network, but not currently accessible. However, just to prove a point as to how darn portable my nice new blue laptop is - I'm currently blogging in a packed out cinema, waiting for the adverts for Ice Age 3: 3D to start. ... And now I'm blogging as His Lordship tucks into the Sub Of The Day (Ham) at Subway! It does occur to me that companies could advertise by using WIFI - I'm sat here trying to access some more ports kicking around the area, and I don't know where they are. Little bit sad really, I'd be tempted to drop in the store to find if I could access the network. And once I'm in, I can see the stuff they're selling - which means I know it's there and might be tempted to buy! IP blockers are mean.
"D'ya want bready butter or toasts with that?" - Possibly Lady Ell herself. "There y'are, toasts."