Part 1: Sat in the train station waiting lounge.
So - having had yet another massive till malfunction at work which knocked the systems out for a full hour and a half, I'm delighted to tell you I balanced in record time and was away WELL before my usual leaving time.
And yes, I am now sat at the station, awaiting a train. He thinks I'm stuck at home alone due to a lack of trains. However, the truth of it is I've been chatting to one of His housemates, and carefully arranged so I turn up without Him having a clue as to what's going on! And I brought munchies. Bless him, he did invite me and everything, and I had to "turn him down" because I couldn't get there. Well, it'll be worth it!
And now I'm getting footcramp, so I'll be back later.
Happy New Year!
"I went to the social to get a loan of £130. You know how much they gave me? Six pounds and fifteen pence!" - Indignant chappy drinking lager with a rottweiler cross at the station.
Monday, 31 December 2007
Sunday, 30 December 2007
Some Silly Stuff and Computer Crashes...
Ooh - news! The dragon turns out to be female! Anyway, I (being the sop I am) bought the dragon a gorgeous (and a bit expensive) chunk of grapevine, and a salad cage. As you know, He has been visiting, and the dragon took a shine to His empty chocolate box. Needless to say, the chocolate box has been played with more than the expensive toys. Time of typing: 22:45 - Dragon is curled up asleep in said empty carton for the second night in a row, having been scrabbling about and digging in the corner for some time...
What else has happened... Hmm, well, in the last few days, I've been stuck on a bus that had the gearbox destroyed, got stuck on a bus with a flat battery, had ANOTHER laptop crash (thus the delay in updating), had a fabulous powercut due to a MASSIVE storm bringing down the wires, had the tills all crash at work on Saturday, and today I got peed on by a salamander. Can't say any of those were high on my list of things to do - all I can say is thank goodness for portable lamps, laptop batteries and anti-bac handwash.

Ooh! Mince pie!
Quote of the day: "Dad, 55 doesn't come in capitals." - My sister, pointing out the unnoticed obvious and making my stepfather look delightfully ridiculous. Kudos Kiddo!
Monday, 24 December 2007
General Greetings to All!
Oh dear - another week has wandered past without me noticing! Mind you, doesn't help that I lost all my blogging backups when the laptop decided to have another hissy fit - but normal service is resumed. I did my usual trick to repair it - shut my eyes and poked buttons until it did something. I just did the same thing with another broken file; I wanted to listen to an online radio show, and the programme I had wasn't letting me. I over-rode it, and ran it through a little something I don't know how I did... Ran it through some sort of a subroutiney-thing hidden in the back of the media player apparently. I'm impressed with me, for finding it. It works when I get lost somewhere I don't know as well. I stop thinking about it, and just wind up where I'm supposed to be!
Anyway, it's Christmas Eve. I'm halfway through finishing the last of my giftwrapping, my phone occasionally beeping and my grandparents sat on the creaky sofa. One appears to be doing a crossword and coughing, the other... Bother. I tried to lean forward to read the title, and the page was turned. A book by Catherine Cookson anyway. My kitchen is suddenly full of items of food, an almost obscene amount in my opinion, but sure as hey I'm not going to complain!
Oh! Oh! And VITALITE! Marvellous, wonderful, dairy-free deliciousness! Sunflowery goodness! I forgot how good it really is - mashed potato just hasn't been the same without it. And Utterly Butterly just doesn't stand up to my favourite brand. I've had sandwiches with it in, mashed tatties, will have it with pasta and on Boxing Day will do mushrooms with Vitalite and Garlic sauce...
There appears to be a bag of gifts, but I'm being very good and resisting.
Oh, and for those that were asking, the weekend was quiet, ate out twice; the good Cafe Rouge was perfect as always, (that steak was magnificent, really blew Him away. Mum, you're always right when it comes to fine foods, I always appreciate your comments.) and Say Pasta happily reserved us a table and came up with a rather splendid dish containing asparagus. But far too much almond I'm afraid. Oh well, it happens. But turns out He likes asparagus, having not tried it before - "Hmm. It's sort of... sort of string beany crunchy, with almost a sweetcorn flavour but then goes kind of good and mushy." See, asparagus is a superb vegetable, I love it. Asparagus and chicken pie is one of my favourite foods too. With mashed tatties and peas... Although Rouge's rather clever use of sour cream instead of whipped on the chocolate ganache, oh yum.
Quote of the whole flippin' week: "Now to find a train. And some pants. But not necessarily in that order." - Rej.
Anyway, it's Christmas Eve. I'm halfway through finishing the last of my giftwrapping, my phone occasionally beeping and my grandparents sat on the creaky sofa. One appears to be doing a crossword and coughing, the other... Bother. I tried to lean forward to read the title, and the page was turned. A book by Catherine Cookson anyway. My kitchen is suddenly full of items of food, an almost obscene amount in my opinion, but sure as hey I'm not going to complain!
There appears to be a bag of gifts, but I'm being very good and resisting.
Oh, and for those that were asking, the weekend was quiet, ate out twice; the good Cafe Rouge was perfect as always, (that steak was magnificent, really blew Him away. Mum, you're always right when it comes to fine foods, I always appreciate your comments.) and Say Pasta happily reserved us a table and came up with a rather splendid dish containing asparagus. But far too much almond I'm afraid. Oh well, it happens. But turns out He likes asparagus, having not tried it before - "Hmm. It's sort of... sort of string beany crunchy, with almost a sweetcorn flavour but then goes kind of good and mushy." See, asparagus is a superb vegetable, I love it. Asparagus and chicken pie is one of my favourite foods too. With mashed tatties and peas... Although Rouge's rather clever use of sour cream instead of whipped on the chocolate ganache, oh yum.
Quote of the whole flippin' week: "Now to find a train. And some pants. But not necessarily in that order." - Rej.
Sunday, 16 December 2007
What a Weekend... (Again!)
Written on the train home...
Saturday: Left the house at what seems a ridiculously early hour to catch the train. Being the jammy dodger I am, even having got out late, and then having to run back for the phone, I still managed to stroll up to the stop just as the bus pulled up! The journey itself was, as ever with the English Rail System, uneventful, besides the rare oddity of the train actually being a few seconds EARLY, as opposed to 40 minutes late (in reference to last week)... However, on arriving, got a brief tour round the town, dropped off bags, and went in search of Opalfruits. No, not Starburst. I refuse to CALL them by that!
Opalfruits, Opalfruits, OPALFRUITS DAMMIT! *mutters something about the idiocy of the trades description name change - since when did Opalfruits contain stars, or for that matter, actually burst. At least they LOOK opaly, when chewed, and they do have real fruit in them. Nowadays.)
Hmmm. Some random bloke sat opposite me on the train justy went "Expelliarmus" for no apparent reason... Perhaps it was my bowler hat and long striped scarf with predominantly black clothing that set him off?
Again, as with last week, some wonderful touring of an area I don't know, lots of exploring the Rich and diverse world. Also, another fabulous cafe - Mocha, owned by a rather nice chappie called Tom. A natural showman, for such a small cafe, it was PACKED, clientelle coming and going, but he still found time to find us a comfortable seat.And the most delicious mince pie I have tasted in a LONG time. Oh yum, I could do with one of those now, and sod it to the crumbs in the keyboard.
And because I promised I would - Thirty Seven. You know what I'm on about.
The evening consisted of a rather lovely meal at Frankie & Benny's (Binky and Frannies?! Annnnyway...), where I finally got my favourite dish of all time: Mushroom Lasagne. LOTS of white sauce, tomatoes and red pepper to flavour, with faaaar too much (*pish* as if there was ever such a thing!) parmesan cheese. Oh, and lots of laughter, people-watching, and a rather delicious sundae. It was supposed to be a chocolate brownie sundae, but surprised me (no, not the chocolate brownies and icecream, that was taken as read. Do be sensible!) by having custard, red berries, sauces and lots of cream too. And yes, I made another napkin dolly.
Shanghai Noon upon arriving back, but missed half of it sadly as, for a start, the programme I was using to play it decided it was going to play the movie in two halves. Shame really, I do appreciate the works of Jackie Chan, but oh well. Some suppage of Bundaberg Royal later, it was a case of a headlong dash through the freezing cold to my overnight lodgings... Freeze the balls off a brass monkey? Nearly froze the rest of said monkey too.
Sunday morning discovered me waking up ridiculously early (as per usual), trying to get back to sleep, and failing badly. So instead, I luxuriated in a good stretch, a little light exercise, and then George Orwell's "1984". (The Richard Burton/John Hurt version.) A very odd movie, inspired a lot of thought, and indeed conversation later on. I am mildly ashamed to say I had a VERY laid back day, not getting out of bed until very late indeed. Why is it that having a lie-in leaves you more tired than if you got up and went out? Missed the sunrise, so have this one instead. I'm very impressed, especially by the painted version!
And, as now mentioned, am wending my way back to Bath via public transport. Another pleasant weekend, another long week lies ahead. I really ought to wrap some more presents, I've hardly done ANY yet. But, fortunately, in search of Opalfruits, I did wind up in a Wilkinson's (oh joy! For we do not have one in the wonderful city of Bath) and replenished my supply of gift tags and the like!
Having said all the above, my somewhat tired battery (and brain) is due to give out on me very shortly, so here I will say "Sayonara for laters" and leave you with the quote:
Quote of the WEEKEND: "Hoi Sin on the wallpaper." - RP, I laughed so much it HURT. I still think you should get one of these:
Saturday: Left the house at what seems a ridiculously early hour to catch the train. Being the jammy dodger I am, even having got out late, and then having to run back for the phone, I still managed to stroll up to the stop just as the bus pulled up! The journey itself was, as ever with the English Rail System, uneventful, besides the rare oddity of the train actually being a few seconds EARLY, as opposed to 40 minutes late (in reference to last week)... However, on arriving, got a brief tour round the town, dropped off bags, and went in search of Opalfruits. No, not Starburst. I refuse to CALL them by that!

Hmmm. Some random bloke sat opposite me on the train justy went "Expelliarmus" for no apparent reason... Perhaps it was my bowler hat and long striped scarf with predominantly black clothing that set him off?
Again, as with last week, some wonderful touring of an area I don't know, lots of exploring the Rich and diverse world. Also, another fabulous cafe - Mocha, owned by a rather nice chappie called Tom. A natural showman, for such a small cafe, it was PACKED, clientelle coming and going, but he still found time to find us a comfortable seat.And the most delicious mince pie I have tasted in a LONG time. Oh yum, I could do with one of those now, and sod it to the crumbs in the keyboard.
And because I promised I would - Thirty Seven. You know what I'm on about.
Shanghai Noon upon arriving back, but missed half of it sadly as, for a start, the programme I was using to play it decided it was going to play the movie in two halves. Shame really, I do appreciate the works of Jackie Chan, but oh well. Some suppage of Bundaberg Royal later, it was a case of a headlong dash through the freezing cold to my overnight lodgings... Freeze the balls off a brass monkey? Nearly froze the rest of said monkey too.

And, as now mentioned, am wending my way back to Bath via public transport. Another pleasant weekend, another long week lies ahead. I really ought to wrap some more presents, I've hardly done ANY yet. But, fortunately, in search of Opalfruits, I did wind up in a Wilkinson's (oh joy! For we do not have one in the wonderful city of Bath) and replenished my supply of gift tags and the like!
Having said all the above, my somewhat tired battery (and brain) is due to give out on me very shortly, so here I will say "Sayonara for laters" and leave you with the quote:
Quote of the WEEKEND: "Hoi Sin on the wallpaper." - RP, I laughed so much it HURT. I still think you should get one of these:
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Wow, What a Weekend!
I can only apologise for the severe lateness. (Doesn't help that my trusty laptop died temporarily)
It's been such a strange week...
It started off on Friday.
Friday, I was contemplating to a friend about having to go to Work's Christmas Party, where I barely know anyone. And He kindly offered to come with me. So, on comes Saturday, washing done, and I'm at the train station... The train has been delayed. Oh. The train has been CANCELLED. I could have died, having to go alone, not to mention having already paid the Hilton's extortionate prices... But Mr Murphy has clearly decided to be kind to me, and 40 minutes later, a bus pulls up.
"Um, I seem to have discovered a puddle in my shoe. Is there anywhere good to get some new ones?" - that HAS to be the BEST first line I have ever heard. Needless to say, we went and found a shoe shop. It was TIPPING it down and blowing a gale after all.
By the time we were heading back out on the bus to find The Saracen's Head (work were meeting up there first) we'd laughed about everything and anything - and my dragon has never responded so openly to a stranger before. Sorry mum, you'll be jealous - not only did Je get licks, He also got the VERY rare dragon-nuzzle... (even I don't get those often!) Kyle's met literally hundreds of people, and I haven't seen him react to someone like that before - could it just be that he likes denim? Mind you, having said that, Eden likes Him too. Straaaaange.
As to the Hilton itself - what a complete fiasco! Work'd put in the orders over a week in advance. The nice bloke come to visit was a last minute add-on. Interestingly, the Hilton handed over all His dishes right first time - but not ONE of mine. For starters, I don't eat Pate. (I don't trust it.) Twice I tried to point out that wasn't what I ordered, but I still had it put in front of me anyway. So I stuck it on the empty table next to me, and finally got my terrine. Which pleased Him, because He got two starters, hehehehe! Anyway, main course, I got offered the wrong thing again. For goodness sake, my order is written on the place marker in front of me - there's no need when sweets came round to offer me cheesecake FOUR times, yes, FOUR times, when I had quite clearly ordered christmas pudding.
But, besides that, we had a very cool time, chatting about random rubbish, and watching (very) drunk colleagues of mine trying to dance. The music was horrifically cheesy (even to my tastes, and I like Tiger Feet for crying out loud... but then so does He.) and when it came to "Amarillo" or whatever that damned Peter Kay song is, it was time to go. That and they kept pratting around with the lighting and threw our table into pitch black. Thanks.
Ordering the taxi turned out to be a whole new ball game. I don't know where the Hilton get their staff, but English is not their first language. Please, don't take that wrong, I'm not racist by ANY stretch of the imagination (in fact, I'm indescriminate), but it really doesn't help when you want something and the staff don't understand. *sighs* Needless to say, the taxi arrived for "Miss Patrick" - which is NOTHING like my name, except it begins with a P. Which resulted in a minor argument with the driver that it WAS for me, until the skies opened with a torrential WHOOSH and we piled in anyway.
Coming home discovered a house full of people, all the sleeping spaces taken up. So yes, this nice bloke slept in my bed. Oh come now, I thought better of you than that! I slept on the floor thanks. And only after much protesting on His behalf. Which caused much hilarity - "Young lady, we will be having words in the morning about you letting strange men sleep in your bed" - thanks, trying not to laugh out loud and ending up in a wheezing ball on the floor. Me oh my, that has me laughing even now.
Sunday later (if I have time)...
And apologies for lack of pictures, this is just a quick text-only rattle.
Back later!
It's been such a strange week...
It started off on Friday.
Friday, I was contemplating to a friend about having to go to Work's Christmas Party, where I barely know anyone. And He kindly offered to come with me. So, on comes Saturday, washing done, and I'm at the train station... The train has been delayed. Oh. The train has been CANCELLED. I could have died, having to go alone, not to mention having already paid the Hilton's extortionate prices... But Mr Murphy has clearly decided to be kind to me, and 40 minutes later, a bus pulls up.
"Um, I seem to have discovered a puddle in my shoe. Is there anywhere good to get some new ones?" - that HAS to be the BEST first line I have ever heard. Needless to say, we went and found a shoe shop. It was TIPPING it down and blowing a gale after all.
By the time we were heading back out on the bus to find The Saracen's Head (work were meeting up there first) we'd laughed about everything and anything - and my dragon has never responded so openly to a stranger before. Sorry mum, you'll be jealous - not only did Je get licks, He also got the VERY rare dragon-nuzzle... (even I don't get those often!) Kyle's met literally hundreds of people, and I haven't seen him react to someone like that before - could it just be that he likes denim? Mind you, having said that, Eden likes Him too. Straaaaange.
As to the Hilton itself - what a complete fiasco! Work'd put in the orders over a week in advance. The nice bloke come to visit was a last minute add-on. Interestingly, the Hilton handed over all His dishes right first time - but not ONE of mine. For starters, I don't eat Pate. (I don't trust it.) Twice I tried to point out that wasn't what I ordered, but I still had it put in front of me anyway. So I stuck it on the empty table next to me, and finally got my terrine. Which pleased Him, because He got two starters, hehehehe! Anyway, main course, I got offered the wrong thing again. For goodness sake, my order is written on the place marker in front of me - there's no need when sweets came round to offer me cheesecake FOUR times, yes, FOUR times, when I had quite clearly ordered christmas pudding.
But, besides that, we had a very cool time, chatting about random rubbish, and watching (very) drunk colleagues of mine trying to dance. The music was horrifically cheesy (even to my tastes, and I like Tiger Feet for crying out loud... but then so does He.) and when it came to "Amarillo" or whatever that damned Peter Kay song is, it was time to go. That and they kept pratting around with the lighting and threw our table into pitch black. Thanks.
Ordering the taxi turned out to be a whole new ball game. I don't know where the Hilton get their staff, but English is not their first language. Please, don't take that wrong, I'm not racist by ANY stretch of the imagination (in fact, I'm indescriminate), but it really doesn't help when you want something and the staff don't understand. *sighs* Needless to say, the taxi arrived for "Miss Patrick" - which is NOTHING like my name, except it begins with a P. Which resulted in a minor argument with the driver that it WAS for me, until the skies opened with a torrential WHOOSH and we piled in anyway.
Coming home discovered a house full of people, all the sleeping spaces taken up. So yes, this nice bloke slept in my bed. Oh come now, I thought better of you than that! I slept on the floor thanks. And only after much protesting on His behalf. Which caused much hilarity - "Young lady, we will be having words in the morning about you letting strange men sleep in your bed" - thanks, trying not to laugh out loud and ending up in a wheezing ball on the floor. Me oh my, that has me laughing even now.
Sunday later (if I have time)...
And apologies for lack of pictures, this is just a quick text-only rattle.
Back later!
Friday, 7 December 2007
Ubiquitious Update

Oooh - I bought cake! Yummy cake! Expensive cake... £25 for a Christmas cake. Blimey.
But on the other hand, it is amazing, really heavy with fruit, loaded with whisky, pretty and bloomin' tasty. (Woo for free samples!) AND comes in it's own tin! So that's stashed away where only I know (and even now I'm not sure myself) until closer to Christmas time, because my lovely grandparents have decided to come stay over whilst my housemates are away. And let's face it, my grandmother is somewhat partial to a little bit of fruitcake. Photo of cake closer to the time. (IE, when I can FIND it.)
Southern Comfort may be lovely, but I don't know why people think it's not a whisky. I like mine tall with lemonade, and a twist of lime juice with some fruit. Kyle doesn't like lime either it appears, so I have to eat the slice by myself (yummy! I'm not complaining...). And the bus went without me! There I was, contentedly waiting in the near blistering cold, when the darned thing just went "WHOOSH" - straight past. I apologise to the people who were walking past at the time, I don't normally swear, but I was very cold and had been waiting 20 minutes. Even so, the remarkable string of expletives might have been a bit much.
Anyway, I have to run, I have a party to go to tonight! (This update's a bit all over the place. More later.)
Today's Quote: "Yep, you're snotty, l'm a git; l think l've heard that one before somewhere" - the ever-refreshing TD.
Saturday, 1 December 2007
Dragon Dining and Customer Confusion...
Spyyk was doing the "I'm not touching" stare at me this morning. It's a specific GLARE that means you have to turn over and tell him to sod off, then stick a book in his line of vision, or it keeps you awake. Don't keep axolotl in your bedroom, they get in your brain.
It's been a strange week. On Sunday, I figured that the dragon sleeps under his UV all week, so a few hours out wouldn't do any harm. So on went his leash, and we hit the city! He settled happily in the top of my rollneck shirt as we wandered a couple of shops, much to other customers' fascination. We got held up at the gemstore for about half an hour, as he got shown around to nosy people, and then meandered into a cafe so he could have a sleep on me to warm up and I could read my book and sup hot chocolate. (As it was getting bloomin' cold out!)
When he emerged at about 5pm, we wandered off down to Cafe Rouge - the same place my family took me to when they were down. Stuck my head in, checked it was ok, and the dragon and I dined. They even gave him a free little salad, much to the amusement of several other diners. I had to keep putting my fork down to talk about him to young children that kept queueing up by my table... He loved it, and they loved him.
Once he'd promptly ignored his dinky salad, besides licking it a few times, rendering it inedible (sorry Kyle, I love ya, but not yer bug-munching dragon spit) and I'd finished my dinner, we headed on out to the Coeurs de Lion - the smallest pub in Bath. Well. He went down an absolute STORM in there. I had to turn down the free drinks, I'd already had two and wanted to get back to my bus-stop safely, but he's certainly good as an ice-breaker. (Especially when he's busy licking menus... Strange beast) He also discovered he dislikes lemon slices, and has a surprisingly human reaction - pulling faces and backing off.
Pointless item of the week:
"Handmade to order in solid 9ct gold -inlaid with a diamond, includes a solid gold swivel clip to attach to your dog`s collar. A unique, personal gift to your best friend." At a whopping £249! Ooer. I mean, I've heard of spoiling your pets, but isn't that a little extreme? I wanted something nice for my dragon's leash, so I just bought him a nice jingly bell in green to match his ribbon. It was a massive 15p!
Work has been it's usual fascinating self, customers are a whole different species. My favourite customer confession this week has to be the bloke that stored his money in the microwave whilst he went on holiday. He came back, forgot it was all hidden in there, turned it on... and of course, the metal strips inside the note caused a spark. He'd come in with a little bag full of charred scraps and ashes.
This new "chip and pin" causes lots of confusion with customers too. One was particularly spectacular; firstly mistaking the pen holder for the card reader, and trying to work out how to insert said card. I was very tempted to stay quiet until they noticed the pen sticking out of the top, but I just don't have the heart to be that cruel. So I laughed, and pointed to the reader instead, much to their embarrassment. Hehehehehe. Oh, but it gets better! The customer put the card in backwards. I told them to take it out, turn it round. So they took it out, and turned it a full 360 degrees - thus putting it back in backwards again. No. Take it out, turn it towards YOU. So the customer took it out, turned the chip the right way round... then put it in upside down. Riiight. Take it out, turn it the other way up. So the customer turned it so the chip was down, but in backwards. I could have hit my head on the desk. "Put the card in, so that the chip is downwards, and facing you." After a couple more attempts - we got there.
I did get free pizza on Wednesday however, and free drinks last night, courtesy of the company. But then I got stuck in the torrential rain. For 30 minutes, as the bus continued not to arrive. So there we all are, lots of people hiding by themselves under umbrellas, and myself with mine. And being the sort I am, I ended up sheltering an Asian lad, a French girl, and a bloke from Poland called David under it too. Well, I'd hate to have been stood without a brolly in THAT rain - it was literally bucketing it down. All those other selfish people not sharing their dry-space, and myself with my tiny little umbrella... (Not sure where the photo's from, but happy to reference if someone finds me the source.)
Quote for today: "ohhhhhhhhhhh snake think has grass in her shoesssssssssssssss, her mums got the bluessssssssss but then she found outtttttt she`s going to heaven; cos she aint 5 foot twhooooooooooo... she`s 4 foot eleven!" - the remarkable lyrical qualities of Mikey Guitar.
indigo _ blue _ fish @ hotmail . co . uk

When he emerged at about 5pm, we wandered off down to Cafe Rouge - the same place my family took me to when they were down. Stuck my head in, checked it was ok, and the dragon and I dined. They even gave him a free little salad, much to the amusement of several other diners. I had to keep putting my fork down to talk about him to young children that kept queueing up by my table... He loved it, and they loved him.
Once he'd promptly ignored his dinky salad, besides licking it a few times, rendering it inedible (sorry Kyle, I love ya, but not yer bug-munching dragon spit) and I'd finished my dinner, we headed on out to the Coeurs de Lion - the smallest pub in Bath. Well. He went down an absolute STORM in there. I had to turn down the free drinks, I'd already had two and wanted to get back to my bus-stop safely, but he's certainly good as an ice-breaker. (Especially when he's busy licking menus... Strange beast) He also discovered he dislikes lemon slices, and has a surprisingly human reaction - pulling faces and backing off.
"Handmade to order in solid 9ct gold -inlaid with a diamond, includes a solid gold swivel clip to attach to your dog`s collar. A unique, personal gift to your best friend." At a whopping £249! Ooer. I mean, I've heard of spoiling your pets, but isn't that a little extreme? I wanted something nice for my dragon's leash, so I just bought him a nice jingly bell in green to match his ribbon. It was a massive 15p!
Work has been it's usual fascinating self, customers are a whole different species. My favourite customer confession this week has to be the bloke that stored his money in the microwave whilst he went on holiday. He came back, forgot it was all hidden in there, turned it on... and of course, the metal strips inside the note caused a spark. He'd come in with a little bag full of charred scraps and ashes.
This new "chip and pin" causes lots of confusion with customers too. One was particularly spectacular; firstly mistaking the pen holder for the card reader, and trying to work out how to insert said card. I was very tempted to stay quiet until they noticed the pen sticking out of the top, but I just don't have the heart to be that cruel. So I laughed, and pointed to the reader instead, much to their embarrassment. Hehehehehe. Oh, but it gets better! The customer put the card in backwards. I told them to take it out, turn it round. So they took it out, and turned it a full 360 degrees - thus putting it back in backwards again. No. Take it out, turn it towards YOU. So the customer took it out, turned the chip the right way round... then put it in upside down. Riiight. Take it out, turn it the other way up. So the customer turned it so the chip was down, but in backwards. I could have hit my head on the desk. "Put the card in, so that the chip is downwards, and facing you." After a couple more attempts - we got there.

Quote for today: "ohhhhhhhhhhh snake think has grass in her shoesssssssssssssss, her mums got the bluessssssssss but then she found outtttttt she`s going to heaven; cos she aint 5 foot twhooooooooooo... she`s 4 foot eleven!" - the remarkable lyrical qualities of Mikey Guitar.
indigo _ blue _ fish @ hotmail . co . uk
Saturday, 24 November 2007
DS, Dolphin and Disappearing!
indigo_blue_fish @ hotmail. co. uk
Hmm. Well, I did promise myself I'd get dressed (even though it's a weekend and I'm not going anywhere today). Does underwear and a dressing gown count, or do I have to actually find some other clothes? At least I'm not the only one; my friend went to the shop in her pyjamas with her little girl. Who set off the car alarm, so everyone stared at them. Oops.
Crab Update: The hermits have settled down well in Scotland, and I have just discovered Frankie is still here. Don't ask how that works out. (The photo is Charlie) So Frank will be shipped off to his friends in Scotland shortly. Lewis has been most amused by them, and Charlie has found a new rival by name of EcksBawkes. It's a great name, I have to say. Apparently, EB and Chaz have been having some good scraps, lots of shell clanking and croaking at each other. Well, so long's they're happy!
Another friend's just told me "Well I ain't been dressed with proper clothes since 5pm Thursday!" So this has decided it; I don't have anything to do today, so I shall go out TOMORROW, and completely waste today. Man, it feels good!
I did however discover at 7am that if you accidently sleep on a chunk of pomegranate, it turns your sheets a delicate shade of purple.
I love the noise Kyle makes when eating banana. We've both come to the agreement that if I give him long thin bits, he's not going to bite my thumb. *shlup-shlup-shlup* Also had a fun few minutes blowing raspberries at him. First one he looked at me funny. Second one, he sat up straight and looked at me funny. Third one, he leaned back and looked at me funny. Fourth one, he deliberately turned his back, yawned, and has ignored the rest. Classy. At 28 weeks old, he's already more mature than I am apparently.
My sister drew some fantastic beasties on her computery-toy thing, what is it, a Nintendo something? I can never remember, but all the same, I thought they were great!
Ok, completely forgot to finish this when I fell asleep! So sorry, it's Sunday. Yes, I spent the day doing very little (although I did get the washing done) and it feels good. I watched a movie this morning, luxuriated in my finally-working radiatored warm room and enjoyed a large soggy chocolate cookie for breakfast. Yesyes, I know, not healthy, but I have fruit too. (And let's face it, the big cookie was GOOD.)
Today's Quote/Severely Bitchy Comment: "I still think he's a bit gay and she looks like a man so they should be real happy" - S. Ouch, nicely...
Hmm. Well, I did promise myself I'd get dressed (even though it's a weekend and I'm not going anywhere today). Does underwear and a dressing gown count, or do I have to actually find some other clothes? At least I'm not the only one; my friend went to the shop in her pyjamas with her little girl. Who set off the car alarm, so everyone stared at them. Oops.

Another friend's just told me "Well I ain't been dressed with proper clothes since 5pm Thursday!" So this has decided it; I don't have anything to do today, so I shall go out TOMORROW, and completely waste today. Man, it feels good!
I did however discover at 7am that if you accidently sleep on a chunk of pomegranate, it turns your sheets a delicate shade of purple.

My sister drew some fantastic beasties on her computery-toy thing, what is it, a Nintendo something? I can never remember, but all the same, I thought they were great!
Ok, completely forgot to finish this when I fell asleep! So sorry, it's Sunday. Yes, I spent the day doing very little (although I did get the washing done) and it feels good. I watched a movie this morning, luxuriated in my finally-working radiatored warm room and enjoyed a large soggy chocolate cookie for breakfast. Yesyes, I know, not healthy, but I have fruit too. (And let's face it, the big cookie was GOOD.)
Today's Quote/Severely Bitchy Comment: "I still think he's a bit gay and she looks like a man so they should be real happy" - S. Ouch, nicely...
Drama, Dalmations, and "Doosh"...
I spent most of the week chasing up friends who have problems. Who needs a TV when I have such soap-opera-drama going on round me... We've got breakups, makeups, cheaters, lack of responsibilities, haunts, a love SQUARE of all things; it's chaotic at best. But, me being me, I'm stuck in the middle. And, it seems to help some people. Which is never bad. But I had to turn round and tell Ian: "If you stick your head in the sand, leaves your a**e sticking out in the air for people like me to kick, doesn't it?"
I have a correction to put in for my mother, who defends her peculiar issue about popping dogs: "Oh and btw - I am not scared of dalmations - just worried that they might SPLIT."
Well, I had a really good look on the tinterweb, and I haven't yet found any occurences of a dog "splitting like a badly cooked sausage." Sorry Mum. If anyone else finds an example, please don't hesitate to confirm my mother's obscure paranoia, closure always helps. Well, sometimes. Actually Mum, would it help to know if they stand a real chance of tearing open, or not?
Work has provided plenty of, um, entertainment this week. One particular little detail struck me as a little obvious on one of the training programmes. "To save and exit, click Save And Exit." And I was amazed to discover that the new English £20 note (also known as the Adam Smith £20) has got a COPYRIGHT on it! Grab yourself one of those nice, shiny bright purple with lots of holograms ones, and have a look down the left of said holograms, at the little writing in blue. Don't get me wrong, but it's illegal to copy money anyway, so doesn't that make a copyright just a little defunct? Hey, does this mean they can sue forgers?
Recall the lemon of a few days ago? Well, she went one better. What can I say, it's a pumpkin. Niiiiiiice!
And my housemate dropped a bucket of water on the carpet, it made a mighty "DOOSH." (Sounds like a good name for a movie... Taking script ideas now!) Scuse me whilst I go assess the damage to my floor. ... Floor is good. Bucket remained upright, so just some splattering.
Well, I suppose I better get up for a thrilling weekend of waiting in for the gasman this morning, and cleaning the bathroom tomorrow. Unless of course the boiler's repaired and I can either go out this evening, or clean bathroom and go out tomorrow...
Little Dragon Update: (One ponders if it's the dragon that's little, or the update that's little. But then again, that's not important.) Fell off his platform this morning. Made a nuisance of himself on Thursday. Think he thought he was a cat: four times he knocked on the door, four times I opened it to let him out, and four times he changed his mind. But, he did fall asleep on me yesterday, and didn't so much as twitch when I picked him up and sneaked him back into his vivarium. He's still loving his dinners though, big thanks to Rick for some brill bugs!
Today's Quote: Oh, and lovely Dan... "I've got a big bogey. It's up my nose still. It won't come out."
Well, I had a really good look on the tinterweb, and I haven't yet found any occurences of a dog "splitting like a badly cooked sausage." Sorry Mum. If anyone else finds an example, please don't hesitate to confirm my mother's obscure paranoia, closure always helps. Well, sometimes. Actually Mum, would it help to know if they stand a real chance of tearing open, or not?
Work has provided plenty of, um, entertainment this week. One particular little detail struck me as a little obvious on one of the training programmes. "To save and exit, click Save And Exit." And I was amazed to discover that the new English £20 note (also known as the Adam Smith £20) has got a COPYRIGHT on it! Grab yourself one of those nice, shiny bright purple with lots of holograms ones, and have a look down the left of said holograms, at the little writing in blue. Don't get me wrong, but it's illegal to copy money anyway, so doesn't that make a copyright just a little defunct? Hey, does this mean they can sue forgers?

And my housemate dropped a bucket of water on the carpet, it made a mighty "DOOSH." (Sounds like a good name for a movie... Taking script ideas now!) Scuse me whilst I go assess the damage to my floor. ... Floor is good. Bucket remained upright, so just some splattering.
Well, I suppose I better get up for a thrilling weekend of waiting in for the gasman this morning, and cleaning the bathroom tomorrow. Unless of course the boiler's repaired and I can either go out this evening, or clean bathroom and go out tomorrow...
Today's Quote: Oh, and lovely Dan... "I've got a big bogey. It's up my nose still. It won't come out."
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Lizard, Lunch, Locating (of the Re- kind) and Loafing

Oh, yesterday's quote is by Jack Dee on Lead Balloon; regular reader Coxy slung me an email. Thanks for that!
Actually, I stand corrected. It's very wet and cold outside.
My mother was in hysterics, and wants to steal Eden, and the poor Dragon got used as an action figure. His laid-backness means he's... poseable, like a Barbie doll, just a lot cuter. Silly beastie was happy to just bleg out on the table, as my brother rearranged the position of his legs, head, tail and belly. Daft creature. The dragon too.
Dinner was rather nice, lasagne at Say Pasta again. We weren't so overwhelmed this time, half the stuff on the menu wasn't available (which is a shame, I was really looking forwards to the wild mushroom lasagne) and the waitress was a little... surly. But I did get a lift home from the shops, so I didn't get rained on with my loaf of bread. That was good. On the other hand, the car smelt like fermented egg and beans. Not so good. Exquisite. With extra emphasis on the "Squizz" syllable.
The Hermit Relocation Project went well - Charlie and Sidney are now living in Scotland. "They are both amazing Crabs, easily the most active and friendly of all my existing ones - they happily crawl about humans without any shyness, and are active during the day and night, clambering over everything, and stuffing their faces. On the First night, Sid "Dude" changed into various shells in the course of a few hours, but shortly changed back into his old one and has stuck with it xD I must say though, Charlie's fluffy blonde setae, long antennae and needle-like nails are amazing, he's quite the character xP" Yup Cap'n, sounds like they're very happy with you sir!
Today's Quote: "Roaches are Ewwwwie" - by Eric, from I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry.
Saturday, 17 November 2007
Family, Fears, Food and "Fritters"...
What a grand start to the day. Woke up at 6am, went back to sleep. Woke up at 10am (Wow!) having had some bizarre dream that I forget. (If you want to read about dreams and seriously wierd postage, try I watched a movie, talked to people, didn't manage to hurt myself in any way, shape or form (besides falling over my bin once) and generally enjoyed doing sweet-stuff-all! Hmm. Mr Murphy must be exacting his Sod's Law elsewhere at the moment; makes a nice change! Nothing like a halcyon day to make one look back at others past wistfully. But were they really kingfisher blue?
I have to admit, I was tempted to go to town on such a glamorous offer, but I was boring and just fought my case. I had previously asked for the Klein Bottle (as posted earlier in the year) but I'm not sure that went down too well either. I got a mathmatical equation in response to that one. Mind you, a motorbike chain would be good, for when I can eventually afford a Vespa-scootery thing. Money would be even better, but that's not personal enough. Well heck, stick a bow on a fiver, and I'll be happy! Here, I even did a diagram!
The GPS in my stepfather's car is a bit optimistic, the ETA is 15:05. Well, it's 14:57 at time of first draft, so will have to let you know.
At the moment, there is Eden snuggled down in my bed, and my dragon has made off with a good portion of my banana and grape lunch. (Who owns who in this thing?) The thumb-biting enthusiasm towards fruit is still there, but he's refined his banana-mushing tactics, and hasn't actually got me today. I'm very impressed. He impressed himself so much, he fell off his platform. Oops. And is now sat on his house, glowering regally at me. (Another of Kat's magnificent shots, sourced from
Oh, my father asked me what I wanted for my birthday in January. Needless to say, I'm not sure my choice of gift went down too well.
"You revolting child!!!!!"
"You revolting child!!!!!"
All I asked for was for some lobster roaches for Kyle.
"I take it that "lobster roaches" is a nice way of missing the "cock" bit off of "cockroaches" "
Um, yes, that's technically true...
"Please think of something else for your present. Shrunken head, chainsaw, dismembered limb, whatever."
UPDATE 15:04: SatNav has reassigned it's ETA! 15:30...

Well, it's 15:29 - time to see if there's anyone arriving yet!
You must excuse my slap-dash typing style this afternoon, I have a lap full of reptile.
What an interesting afternoon. I found out my mother has a fear of dalmations. (My mother is riddled with OCDs and paranoias. One in particular is a fear of "cooties" - such as from shop doors.) Apparently their skins are too tight, and she's worried if someone feeds them too much or leaves one in the sun... Well, she's worried that they might explode. Like a sausage on a barbecue.
We had fun at the restaurant too, it was a French one (Cafe Rouge), and we were making my step-father order for us. He's very, uh, English and tries to handle the foreign words with care. The waiter was very good, didn't bat an eyelid and just quietly repeated the order correctly when he was asked for "Steak Fritters." Turns out it was Steak Frites. I ordered my own, although it would have been funny to try to see him pronounce Penne au Champignons.
Quote of the day: "I hate petty minded people - I keep a list of them" - I have NO idea where this came from. Graham heard it on some TV show, and thought it too good not to pass on. Good lad! (I don't have a TV see!)
Friday, 16 November 2007
Radio, Randomosity and Radioactive?!
Sian's playing more and more wonderful, random music, they did a dedicated night for Bauer on Monday! Sian says she also does Friday Night Lovesongs (10pm to 12am) and Saturdays (8pm - 10pm). May I say, they're great for requests. I've had David Grey, Sail Away and rediscovered Tamsin Archer, Sleeping Satellite. AND she plays plenty of Bauer and Delays music. Listen in! Updates as to station coming up later on.
Some complete randomness for you, a Bauer is also a drink! You take strawberries, vodka, orange curacao, Rose's Lime juice, pour onto ice, and do long with ginger beer and a slice of lime. Sounds pretty yummy to me!
Today's been one of THOSE days. Not only have I come off with six, yes, count 'em, SIX new papercuts (damn those new £20s, they're razor tipped) and haven't been paid. Turns out that in the month I've been working at my new job, no-one thought to tell me that my contract didn't turn up. Riiighto. Well that's pretty clever, seeing as I have PC access, an employee number, training access, went on the courses, have an expenses chit AND have been handling large sums of their money for the company... How on earth do they manage to overlook something like that?
I also had an interesting experience with my nice new microwave. Apparently, I shouldn't cook cauliflower in it, without covering it first. Turns out, the steam and gases this veg kicks out - well, the microwave turns it into plasma, which then creates a rather odd flame. It sort of hovers mid-machine and hums. Needless to say, I thought "Woah, how COOL!" then realised it was probably a better idea to TURN IT OFF and blow it out. My mother was in creases when I told her. Thanks for that vote of confidence. "Hmm, is it Cauliyogi? No! it's Mantraflower!"
Although, do be careful - some interesting things get said. I got called "Special" on air today. Much backpeddling went on shortly after, much to my amusement. "Special", in my family, is a way of describing someone a ... bit slow. "Gosh, you're a bit special today." And my personal favourite, (Sorry Daz!) "Who's a special boy then?!" Most amused by the last peddling on air: "She's not Special, she's IBF." C'Mon! Too-rah, loo-rah Aye! Too-rah tooloorah!

Extra randomness - see the lemon? <--- I decided it would be a good idea to post it. I got called a "big plum" twice for it, but it got a laugh, so it was worth it. £1.38 postage and all. I just have to think of a way to top that next time. I think finding a lemon in your morning mail is going to be a hard one to beat.
Today's been one of THOSE days. Not only have I come off with six, yes, count 'em, SIX new papercuts (damn those new £20s, they're razor tipped) and haven't been paid. Turns out that in the month I've been working at my new job, no-one thought to tell me that my contract didn't turn up. Riiighto. Well that's pretty clever, seeing as I have PC access, an employee number, training access, went on the courses, have an expenses chit AND have been handling large sums of their money for the company... How on earth do they manage to overlook something like that?

The beautiful firework photo is from a local display, another utterly spectacular shot by Kat.
Today's Quote: "I was just gonna make a joke about how ballet and boxing are the same, 'cept there's no costumes, music, and the dancers hit each other. But that figureskating thing threw me off." - shroom.
Friday, 9 November 2007
Magic and Music and Mayhem and Madness - Marvellous!
This week has been one of poets. Everyone seems to have beautiful or just downright peculiar things to say.
I would like to make a submission of correction to my previous bloggage, apparently "Shroom" is "shroom". shroom says: "Well it would be Mushroom, but I dropped the Mu a long time ago so it's shroom. For that same reason I don't use a capital S; I still am the lovable Mushroom, just with the Mu hiding somewhere behind the scenes." Says it all really!
"Four svelt kings arose from the salty sea of the south and carved my name and yours in the sand along with some brand new lyrics from the pen o the Chief ' so I can drive for I am learning to arrive without damaging the exit sign.' so I'll collect my peices on the way out" - Jon, discussing Delays. Not sure I quite get it, but it makes sense when you take the time to translate it. Oh, and Delays new vid came out too!
The lizard has been having a good week for eating different things. Tuesday, I managed to get him to try banana. He discovered bits of banana are very slippery, and you can't get a good hold on them if you're trying to be gentle. So he got a bit enthusiastic trying to take it off me and, suprise surprise, bit my thumb. Banana was tasty though. Shortly after, he decided the writing on my shirt looked tastier, so grabbed it and pulled and pulled. Took him a while to realise it wasn't going to come off to eat, then he climbed in my collar, clicked his teeth in my ear a few times, dug around my shoulder a bit, and went to sleep. (I also got the wrong sort of lasagne, had to brave the housemate's oven, and promptly spilt water all in my bed. Brings a new meaning to "wet dreams" hey?)
Wednesday, he discovered the delights of apples (again) and yesterday went nuts for some brocolli. Brocolli isn't very good for them, but it's high in vitamin C, and looks sort of fluffy, and got thoroughly shredded and yomped. Today he's got carrot - nearly a whole stick has vanished inside that reptile...
I would like to make a submission of correction to my previous bloggage, apparently "Shroom" is "shroom". shroom says: "Well it would be Mushroom, but I dropped the Mu a long time ago so it's shroom. For that same reason I don't use a capital S; I still am the lovable Mushroom, just with the Mu hiding somewhere behind the scenes." Says it all really!
"Four svelt kings arose from the salty sea of the south and carved my name and yours in the sand along with some brand new lyrics from the pen o the Chief ' so I can drive for I am learning to arrive without damaging the exit sign.' so I'll collect my peices on the way out" - Jon, discussing Delays. Not sure I quite get it, but it makes sense when you take the time to translate it. Oh, and Delays new vid came out too!
Beautiful, extraordinary, so elegantly Delayed. Nice to see "real" people for a change. Thanks boys!
Also, I have a new word. Pungi.
What do you think it means? I'm looking for a definition, a description, however obscure you like. Define pungi in your own way, and sling me it. (Indigo _ blue _ fish @ hotmail . co . uk)
What do you think it means? I'm looking for a definition, a description, however obscure you like. Define pungi in your own way, and sling me it. (Indigo _ blue _ fish @ hotmail . co . uk)
I said: Fresh lemon skins.
shroom says: for some odd reason reminds me of a delicious sponge cake.
shroom says: for some odd reason reminds me of a delicious sponge cake.
Becks says: pungi coz it sounds like pungent, smelly - so it means horrible.
Di says:a musical instrument used by snake charmers. (Some people are so literal!) Or some sort of software.
G says: Publically Undressing Near Green Irons.
T D says: l think its a swear word later on l'll call SB a pungi
Samir says: "That, having had which, nothing else remains to be had." (Trust Samir... I was impressed though, does sound good.)
Puffer says: pungi means: a friend of pingu who is shorter, fatter and wears only a small hat
Rob says: defines when hands thaw
SB says: id say smelly like smelly socks (Must ask if she's been called a pungi yet)
Erkan says: Wow ehm.. it sounds like something squashy
Erkan says: Wow ehm.. it sounds like something squashy
L-bo says: Someone who hadn't washed their genitals for a long time.
Emma says: sort of squishy, rubbery and a bit smelly
Craig L says: I think I would leave it undefined and hide it in my sock drawer.

Wednesday, he discovered the delights of apples (again) and yesterday went nuts for some brocolli. Brocolli isn't very good for them, but it's high in vitamin C, and looks sort of fluffy, and got thoroughly shredded and yomped. Today he's got carrot - nearly a whole stick has vanished inside that reptile...
There was an... interesting lady as customer at my work. For some reason, with a large queue as audience, she took it upon herself to sing "All men are praaaaats!" Very loudly. Repeatedly. Opera style. Who said banking was boring?
Quote of the day: "I've got that serpents tongue so honey rolls down like morning dew. You see, I used to be a little klepto and a little schizo. More hands than one probably should have." -shroom. Bonus points for utter oddness!
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Time Taken Training
It's been a surreal time. Lots of very strange things have happened this week, but now things are a whole lot clearer and I have me some very good friends.
The dragon has been in high spirits, turn out he likes pomegranates too. Rare treat, but he ate two and a half seeds. Oh, and he just headbutted his shadow on the wall trying to eat it. He also discovered he likes apples this morning, I was eating one and he decided he wanted in on the crunchy action, so I had to share. I tried to get a photo, but he ran off with it. Munched three reasonable chunks before he got bored of that, but sour apples are pretty good. When I popped him back in his house and picked up a bug to feed him, he was a little bit enthusiastic: He leapt off his platform, scrabbled across his plant, THREW himself on my hand, scrabbling up my fingers, and lunged for the roach. Missed and bit my thumb. Thanks.
He also made a valiant attempt to eat one of the shrimp in my axolotl's tank. Potted (the shrimp) was clearly amused, and confident in the knowledge that the glass and water would probably do a good job of keeping him safe.
The course was all good too, learned a lot and had an interesting time to say the least. I'm so glad I wasn't silly enough to go for a hangover on test day lol. Even with the knock-door-runners and two-and-a-half hours sleep, I came off with a 59/65. Not great, but better than I thought, considering I fell asleep on my paper. Oh gosh yes and I was trying to revise for the exam, I had everything sent up by room service (I could get used to having an expenses account...), I had roast tomato soup with creme fraiche and basil, then best local ham, eggs and chips with mushrooms
fried in a special garlic butter (I have the recipe somewhere, will look for that), and then cinnamon, raisin and apple pie with whisky custard! Oh yumness. And the steak, you would not believe the steak. Medium-rare, with thyme-roasted carrots, and MASSIVELY chunky chips. I stuffed myself silly every day there. (I'm not obsessed by food, just very nice food.) And the sunsets... Well, see for yourself. This is out of the window of the training rooms.
And yes Mum, as always your words of wisdom hold true. I'm still single, but that's ok. I do however have a lizard sitting on my head - SITTING I emphasise for those that misread things - and a good friend. See folks, you should listen to Mums, they're very wise. If you don't like yours, try mine, she's the best. She's lots of people's second-mum now. "Aloo aloo ping ding -that's baked potato where you think it's ready but you have to put it back in for a little while longer." - the brand of wisdom unique to my extraordinary mother. That discussion got a bit silly after a while, didn't it.
Thanks to G for doing an um, grand job of explaining what went wrong in the match. Not sure that made things easier to see, but have a go for yourself:
"the square is the other team person. the X are me and steve on the same side. the little lines are the goal. the first green arrow shows where the shot was going. black arrow shows the way i wentlower green arrow shows what actually happened as a result"
Does that make things clearer?
Also, a big shout to the strange child by my friend's local shop. "He doin' it with a lawn mower with a mask on as his guy lol... i just had to give hime something for the originality" You what? Sounds like autoerotica if you ask me. Turns out the kid was doing penny-for-the-Guy. That's a relief.
I managed to get a quick little chat with Mikey Guitar himself the other evening, and he gave me these comments to post: "I was thinkin' 'bout summat for ages last nite - would I rather die slowly after midgets had cut my p***s off slowly and eaten it for their tea... Or would I rather be forced to attend a Mika concert and then listen to his album every day in a Ford Mondeo driving to my job as an accountant? I realised i`d rather die." One could say Mr Guitar finds them distasteful and corporate then. I also got given a doodle to reinforce said comment.

He also made a valiant attempt to eat one of the shrimp in my axolotl's tank. Potted (the shrimp) was clearly amused, and confident in the knowledge that the glass and water would probably do a good job of keeping him safe.

And yes Mum, as always your words of wisdom hold true. I'm still single, but that's ok. I do however have a lizard sitting on my head - SITTING I emphasise for those that misread things - and a good friend. See folks, you should listen to Mums, they're very wise. If you don't like yours, try mine, she's the best. She's lots of people's second-mum now. "Aloo aloo ping ding -that's baked potato where you think it's ready but you have to put it back in for a little while longer." - the brand of wisdom unique to my extraordinary mother. That discussion got a bit silly after a while, didn't it.
Thanks to G for doing an um, grand job of explaining what went wrong in the match. Not sure that made things easier to see, but have a go for yourself:

Does that make things clearer?
Also, a big shout to the strange child by my friend's local shop. "He doin' it with a lawn mower with a mask on as his guy lol... i just had to give hime something for the originality" You what? Sounds like autoerotica if you ask me. Turns out the kid was doing penny-for-the-Guy. That's a relief.
Sian introduced me to her radioshow on StreamRadioLive (<--- clickable) and I in turn introduced SRL to the wonders of Bauer. You should have seen the video further back in my blog of "Connected", but if you don't know who they are, then read The Bauer review here. Here's a little excerpt for those too lazy to go a-lookin'. "Greg Matthews fallen-angel vocals and Mikey's insouciant guitars summon the sublime, and the song is driven with great optimistic urgency by rhythm hub Neil Treppas (Bass) and Lee Bradbury (Drums)."

Just so you know, Sians show on SLR is today, 3-4pm, and then Monday 8-10pm. I'll be listening in, as I know many other people are, and some evenings she does dedications. Thanks very much for the pure nostalgia value (and sheer CHEESE) of "Tiger Feet". I'm mildly embarrassed, but it is such a funky song.
Talking of nostalgia, I was trying to remember the songs from Mary Poppins the other day with Graham. Don't ask. We end up talking about such strange things. "Early each day to the steps of Saint Paul's, the little old bird woman comes. In her own special way to the people she calls, come, buy my bags full of crumbs... Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag." Even though I don't have a TV, I hope they play it on Boxing Day. Whole generations would be missing out on this classic otherwise. Oh, and Chitty-chitty-bang-bang. Great stuff.
Quote of the WEEK: "I don't like people beating around the bushes, the sounds of leaves moving annoys me." - Shroom.
Yars, m'off to bed to hunt under the pillows and search the mattress and forage the sheets and check under the bed and peep behind the headboard, see if I can find this rare and elusive item they call "sleep". Let me know as soon as you find it, won't you?
Quote of the WEEK: "I don't like people beating around the bushes, the sounds of leaves moving annoys me." - Shroom.
Yars, m'off to bed to hunt under the pillows and search the mattress and forage the sheets and check under the bed and peep behind the headboard, see if I can find this rare and elusive item they call "sleep". Let me know as soon as you find it, won't you?
Monday, 22 October 2007
Poetry, Procrastination, Problems and
I have been laughing myself silly all this morning.
Yesterday night, after blogging, I went downstairs to eat, and met the first of the other course members, a bloke called Dave. Turns out he spent a lot of time in my old home town - small world hey?
Anyway, this morning, I went down, booked a big taxi, had some bacon etc and spotted Dave in the breakfast hall. He'd already found another lady on our course, and offered a lift to the pair of us. Well, fair enough, so I went out and cancelled the taxi (was going to offer to share see) and got told a call had just come in, that someone was going to come meet us "soon". Well, of course, I asked how soon is soon. "uhhh, dunno." Ok.
So, I go back to where Dave and Julie are sitting, and tell them of this development. Being the practical soul I am, I hold up a letter with the company logo clearly emblazoned on it, and others on our course started heading over.
By 9:45, we start wondering - where's this person. By 10, I go ask if there's been any more information. No, we just have to wait in the foyer. Ok.
10:10 - there's been a call. No-one's coming to pick us up, and they'll meet us there.
Right. So that left us 20 minutes to pile into cars (fortunately, we'd been sat discussing for just such an eventuality) and try to drive there with the incredibly pathetic directions.
So, there's Dave, Julia, Gareth and I piled into Dave's car, and we're following the girls, because they've got GPS and have programmed the place into it. And boy oh boy. We switched lanes, cut people up, got a siren blast from a police car, went the wrong way, and made a royal hitch up of it, following them. And then we discovered there was no designated parking, when I finally spotted where it was we were supposed to be.
So we spent another 10 minutes getting each other completely lost, until Dave did the sensible thing and asked a local pedestrian. We ended up getting off in Number 2 Dolphin Centre Carpark, and arriving (8 of us) at the course, 45 minutes late.
And, because they were confident of the route and have the TomTom - we followed them again. We ended up cutting lanes, narrowly missing a people carrier, going round a roundabout the grand total of TWICE (I said as we approached "I bet we do an Arc de Triumph here..." Love it when I'm proved right) going the wrong way off the roundabout and having to go round ANOTHER one to go back ON the roundabout to go the right way (some comments were made about women drivers at this point, from Julie too I hasten to add...) and finally made it back to the hotel.
We found a lovely space, RIGHT outside the doors, and waited whilst the girls couldn't work out how to lock their own damn car. I had my hands on my knees gasping for breath by this point, as the lights kept flashing on and off, and they kept unlocking it every time. Oh yeesh...
Yesterday night, after blogging, I went downstairs to eat, and met the first of the other course members, a bloke called Dave. Turns out he spent a lot of time in my old home town - small world hey?
Anyway, this morning, I went down, booked a big taxi, had some bacon etc and spotted Dave in the breakfast hall. He'd already found another lady on our course, and offered a lift to the pair of us. Well, fair enough, so I went out and cancelled the taxi (was going to offer to share see) and got told a call had just come in, that someone was going to come meet us "soon". Well, of course, I asked how soon is soon. "uhhh, dunno." Ok.

By 9:45, we start wondering - where's this person. By 10, I go ask if there's been any more information. No, we just have to wait in the foyer. Ok.
10:10 - there's been a call. No-one's coming to pick us up, and they'll meet us there.
Right. So that left us 20 minutes to pile into cars (fortunately, we'd been sat discussing for just such an eventuality) and try to drive there with the incredibly pathetic directions.
So, there's Dave, Julia, Gareth and I piled into Dave's car, and we're following the girls, because they've got GPS and have programmed the place into it. And boy oh boy. We switched lanes, cut people up, got a siren blast from a police car, went the wrong way, and made a royal hitch up of it, following them. And then we discovered there was no designated parking, when I finally spotted where it was we were supposed to be.
So we spent another 10 minutes getting each other completely lost, until Dave did the sensible thing and asked a local pedestrian. We ended up getting off in Number 2 Dolphin Centre Carpark, and arriving (8 of us) at the course, 45 minutes late.
Well, what can you do besides laugh? Our car were just falling about - we couldn't work out how to get across the road. The girls ran ahead and had fun trying to climb the fence in tights and high heels; when we finally stopped laughing long enough, Gareth pointed out the subway.
And it went from there - Dave's chair bust and nearly deposited him on the floor, and the icebreaker went badly wrong for Julie. We were supposed to describe our pets, and favourite colour. Julie described her dog as old, grey, whiskery and smelly.
Which was then that we found out this was a psychological thing, and was supposed to be the way we describe ourselves.
Well, I creased myself laughing (had to put my head on the table) and Dave was in hysterics, and Gareth was laughing because we were, which set the rest of us off even more.
Which was then that we found out this was a psychological thing, and was supposed to be the way we describe ourselves.
Well, I creased myself laughing (had to put my head on the table) and Dave was in hysterics, and Gareth was laughing because we were, which set the rest of us off even more.
I'd put "scaly, spiky and loyal" - which I guess is kind of appropriate, even though I was describing Kyle. Could be worse, I could have said cold-blooded and greedy!
And on the way HOME. Oh dear oh dear. Well, Dave took the lead back to the carpark, and I'm following them going "we're going the wrong way, we need carpark two. We're going the wrong way..." Guess what? We ended up at the top of CARPARK ONE. Hehehehe. What a surprise hey? We eventually managed to get back to ours, going the wrong way first and losing the girls, apparently they went off shopping for a bit so they didn't realise we had actually got lost (thank goodness).
We found a lovely space, RIGHT outside the doors, and waited whilst the girls couldn't work out how to lock their own damn car. I had my hands on my knees gasping for breath by this point, as the lights kept flashing on and off, and they kept unlocking it every time. Oh yeesh...
And we got homework. I'm studying. Can you tell?
I gotta give another shout to my mum for being great and talking me through some issues, thank you. Here's one for Redline - you know what it is you want, and you can have everything you want, you just have to take that step. You've heard my opinion, get the books checked over first, and worry about the rest later. I'm with you 100% on whatever you decide, ok?
Today's most remarkable Quote: "That moment when you fall apart inside to something rare and so gifted, that golden chime of a heartbeat that races with the leaf as it floats to the ground in autumn, the parade of carnival spites the elements of a dark bank holiday monday sky...... enjoy yourself as doris day and terry hall once sang." - Jon. Dude... that's... wow.
Today's most remarkable Quote: "That moment when you fall apart inside to something rare and so gifted, that golden chime of a heartbeat that races with the leaf as it floats to the ground in autumn, the parade of carnival spites the elements of a dark bank holiday monday sky...... enjoy yourself as doris day and terry hall once sang." - Jon. Dude... that's... wow.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
My Microwave, Groovy Grandparents, Poole Party(?) and an "Earthquack Explanation"...
I need to write an official thingie for apologising for lack of updates, don't I? Save me a ton of time. Well, imagine I've done it already, and save us all the tedious procedure!
This last couple of weeks, because I've had to completely wipe my OS (Operating System) my friends have rallied round for me finding freebies to replace the stuff I lost. Nige discovered all six Harry Potter books in PDF format for me, dozens more refilled my MSN gifs (and sent me a few new ones!), and wonderful, WONDERFUL mate Gaz has just sent me "River Below" by Billy Talent. I LOVE that song, it rocks my purple and black stripy knee high socks off! (Thankees, owe ya one boyo)
Oh, and I have a question for you. How is it, when you've spent too long in bed, you get all hot and sticky, but your feet are FREEZING?! (Or is that just me?)
My grandparents turned up yesterday, which was nice. With a microwave as a surprise gift for me, which was nice too! We went out, got lost, had a big breakfasty/brunch thing in a Weatherspoons, got lot, walked around the city for a while, and then spent some time watching a busking showman. He was very good actually, roping in audiences and performing some fascinating feats; his grand finale was riding on a ten foot unicycle and juggling fire clubs! (and scaring the audience by pretending to fall off)
Ow, soddit! I pulled a label off this holdall, and the elastic snapped back with a wire loop on it, and cracked me across the knuckle! I seem to have wound up in Poole of all places. Oh, SCORE! I was rummaging in one of the cupboards (as you do in hotels, and yes, there is a Bible) and have just discovered freebie biscuits! There are marmalade ones (I think I'll save those until I'm really hungry) and chocolate chunk with pecan. Needless to say, I'm halfway through snarfing that one. Crunchy! Oooh, better yet - I've just discovered there's two in each packet! I'm having a good day for freebies, Nan and grandad insisted on taking me to the train station this morning (saving on busfare) and getting brunch at Morrisons on the way. And Nan gave me one of her hash browns. Thanks, I love hash browns!
Australians have a whole new way of thinking to us "Pommies" here in the UK. This is BNAlbino "tidying up". I told you, you've been lucky to get away with it for this long, because I promised you that I'd put it up... Perhaps their famous "Bundaberg Rum" makes things appear that way? Alright, alright, in fairness, this was when he'd only just started.
But still very funny - that stack's taller than HIM.
And isn't it always the case that it has to get worse before it gets better?
Actually, it's probably a good job I do have a microwave now, it's so much easier to quickly cook something, and to find some can-be-ar*ed-to with a microwave. Well, you know what I mean, you can't be bothered to faff around with pots and pans when you're only cooking for yourself.
I'll explain: most nights I get in from work tired. Back home, I'd normally eat about 6pm, which is great. Here, Dave does the cooking and we all pay a share (and I wash up while Kat's supposed to dry), which is fair. However, most of the time, he doesn't cook until about 10pm.
By which time, I've gone past being hungry, and gone to bed instead. (Thank goodness for large lunches) Now, he's got grumpy because I don't eat what he's cooked (although I sometimes have time for it as breakfast, and have been known to come home from work and eat it cold, as I'm hungry WHEN I GET HOME FROM WORK). This is understandable, but I do pay for it even if I don't eat it, and more often than not HE eats it whilst I'm at work anyway. Anyway, the sum of this all is, he refuses to cook for me now. That's ok, I refuse to wash up, because none of it's mine, and I'm not washing up at 11 at night when they've had their dinner. But if that's all the quarrel is, it can't be too bad.
And I said I'd give a public apology to Kat; whilst I was away, some of the bugs that Kyle eats got out. This has never happened before, and I'm very surprised it did. I can only apologise. But, (and this is just explaining, not taking at you, I already told you the same remember) they are a whole lot cleaner, less smelly, and don't bite like crickets. They also haven't got downstairs, unlike the cricket's ability to jump all the way down (I found one in your shoe one time) and they're not NOISY. (I had a big cricket singing under my bed at nights for nearly a week before I managed to catch it. They're a bit fast.) And my chufftastic sketch of Kyle in a leash - Kat designed the leash and I think it's very clever, works lovely!
And what's an "Earthquack" anyway? Thank you Mike, for a very good laugh. Oh, apparently it's one of Duckzilla's superpowers when he gets a n g r y.
My calculator has also started singing a waltz at me at 8pm every night. I've got used to it, as I haven't figured it out yet, and so just thump my bag instead. That seems to stop it.
"When the wise man shows the moon to the idiot, the idiot stares at the finger." - Frenchman Will. He claims it's an old French Proverb. I just like it for it's sense of perspective.
Oh, and I have a question for you. How is it, when you've spent too long in bed, you get all hot and sticky, but your feet are FREEZING?! (Or is that just me?)
My grandparents turned up yesterday, which was nice. With a microwave as a surprise gift for me, which was nice too! We went out, got lost, had a big breakfasty/brunch thing in a Weatherspoons, got lot, walked around the city for a while, and then spent some time watching a busking showman. He was very good actually, roping in audiences and performing some fascinating feats; his grand finale was riding on a ten foot unicycle and juggling fire clubs! (and scaring the audience by pretending to fall off)
Ow, soddit! I pulled a label off this holdall, and the elastic snapped back with a wire loop on it, and cracked me across the knuckle! I seem to have wound up in Poole of all places. Oh, SCORE! I was rummaging in one of the cupboards (as you do in hotels, and yes, there is a Bible) and have just discovered freebie biscuits! There are marmalade ones (I think I'll save those until I'm really hungry) and chocolate chunk with pecan. Needless to say, I'm halfway through snarfing that one. Crunchy! Oooh, better yet - I've just discovered there's two in each packet! I'm having a good day for freebies, Nan and grandad insisted on taking me to the train station this morning (saving on busfare) and getting brunch at Morrisons on the way. And Nan gave me one of her hash browns. Thanks, I love hash browns!
But still very funny - that stack's taller than HIM.

Actually, it's probably a good job I do have a microwave now, it's so much easier to quickly cook something, and to find some can-be-ar*ed-to with a microwave. Well, you know what I mean, you can't be bothered to faff around with pots and pans when you're only cooking for yourself.
I'll explain: most nights I get in from work tired. Back home, I'd normally eat about 6pm, which is great. Here, Dave does the cooking and we all pay a share (and I wash up while Kat's supposed to dry), which is fair. However, most of the time, he doesn't cook until about 10pm.
By which time, I've gone past being hungry, and gone to bed instead. (Thank goodness for large lunches) Now, he's got grumpy because I don't eat what he's cooked (although I sometimes have time for it as breakfast, and have been known to come home from work and eat it cold, as I'm hungry WHEN I GET HOME FROM WORK). This is understandable, but I do pay for it even if I don't eat it, and more often than not HE eats it whilst I'm at work anyway. Anyway, the sum of this all is, he refuses to cook for me now. That's ok, I refuse to wash up, because none of it's mine, and I'm not washing up at 11 at night when they've had their dinner. But if that's all the quarrel is, it can't be too bad.

And what's an "Earthquack" anyway? Thank you Mike, for a very good laugh. Oh, apparently it's one of Duckzilla's superpowers when he gets a n g r y.
My calculator has also started singing a waltz at me at 8pm every night. I've got used to it, as I haven't figured it out yet, and so just thump my bag instead. That seems to stop it.
"When the wise man shows the moon to the idiot, the idiot stares at the finger." - Frenchman Will. He claims it's an old French Proverb. I just like it for it's sense of perspective.
Saturday, 22 September 2007
Nice Noodles, Nasty Nicole and Naughty Nige!
Nige of the awesome quotes has decided that he should start a blog too, and I recommend it. Do note, it does contain swearing and all other manner of vulgarity. A Lincoln Stoner's Life. Nige always has... unique perspective on life. Oh. I'm going to MASH him. He's stolen my quote-idea! Excuse me a moment, I'm off to go grumble in a corner.
Right, sorry about that.
I hear today someone I seriously don't like (and has done bad things to my friends) sent me an apology.
My response was somewhat classical of my style: "Nicole can go stuff herself up a stuffing palmtree with a stuffed bright pink pigeon and a citrus fruit!"
Toned down for my younger viewers. Yes, I'm looking at you guys. And those with the younger mental ages - fill it in for yourself. And the person the grater-roll belongs to, let me know and I'll reference you. I just thought it was great.
When we went out for dinner, I got asked "Are you a vegetarian?" I'd gone for the tofu dish you see. To answer your question; no, not by choice - I just had the *coughs* fortune to be sat between two vegetarians. But I have to admit, yasai itame is pretty good! That's stir fried bok choi, onions, peppers, mushrooms, tofu and beansprouts with massively chunky rice noodles in a chili and coconut something. It's kind of like a soup. That you eat with chopsticks. Makes hell of a mess, I can tell you, woo slippery noodles, great fun! I gotta tell you though, fudge cake with a dark chocolate wasabi sauce, that's very different.
I took my dragon out with me last night, my housemates thought it would be a great idea - so we took him with us to the pub. Dragon was perfectly happy to settle down and sleep for both of the three mile walks, and was happy to run around on the clean pub table. He's made several new friends, including the barman himself. Apparently beer flavoured fingers are pretty tasty. I wouldn't know - he licked them, not me. But then again, the dragon licks socks.
Today's Quote: "About bl**dy time, miss your ramblings!" - Remaining Anon for safety reasons.
Right, sorry about that.

My response was somewhat classical of my style: "Nicole can go stuff herself up a stuffing palmtree with a stuffed bright pink pigeon and a citrus fruit!"
Toned down for my younger viewers. Yes, I'm looking at you guys. And those with the younger mental ages - fill it in for yourself. And the person the grater-roll belongs to, let me know and I'll reference you. I just thought it was great.
When we went out for dinner, I got asked "Are you a vegetarian?" I'd gone for the tofu dish you see. To answer your question; no, not by choice - I just had the *coughs* fortune to be sat between two vegetarians. But I have to admit, yasai itame is pretty good! That's stir fried bok choi, onions, peppers, mushrooms, tofu and beansprouts with massively chunky rice noodles in a chili and coconut something. It's kind of like a soup. That you eat with chopsticks. Makes hell of a mess, I can tell you, woo slippery noodles, great fun! I gotta tell you though, fudge cake with a dark chocolate wasabi sauce, that's very different.

Today's Quote: "About bl**dy time, miss your ramblings!" - Remaining Anon for safety reasons.
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Snake Things and Butter Dishes
Wow, sorry sorry sorry, time sort of got away with me from one thing to another! Nothing's been happening, but you know how it is.
Ohhhhkay, just had the most random call. Someone went Hello? I'm like, yeah, hello? they went "Who's this? So I told them. And this then happened a few more times. The penny dropped, and I now know who it is.
Did you get me any sweets?"
I responded "Yes, I got you Smarties."
This went on for a bit longer, until "Merry Christmas!"
"Well, what can you say?! "And a happy new year to you too..." was the best I could come up with. Oh, and "Enjoy your Wednesday." Even though it wasn't.
The caller's obsessed about the "snake thing" - my bearded dragon. "Sssssssssssssnaaaake thing." That's apparently my new nickname.
Kinda funky - Ssssssnake thing.
Ugh, it's been THAT sort of day, following another one. First one, I was washing up the massive stack left by the housemates, when it slowly occurred to me that it hadn't been piled up in the most stable of manners... Well, as I was halfway through doing the other bits from around the kitchen, I decided it could wait just a second - which proved to be my downfall. The mixer jug slid off a wonky tray, knocked into a bowl precariously perched on the teapot. The bowl skidded off, sending two pint glasses and the lid from the butter dish flying. All of a sudden, I've got a washing up bowl full of glass.
Having got that cleaned up, I went to finish off what was left of the washing; picked up the butter dish, and promptly split my little finger open on a chipped edge. Fancy that, attacked by a butter dish of all things.
I think I may be allergic to one of the soaps we use too... Hmm.
"Thats good things serious like this need to be fun or there not fun" - I think that was a Nigel Mangle.
Ohhhhkay, just had the most random call. Someone went Hello? I'm like, yeah, hello? they went "Who's this? So I told them. And this then happened a few more times. The penny dropped, and I now know who it is.
Did you get me any sweets?"
I responded "Yes, I got you Smarties."

"Well, what can you say?! "And a happy new year to you too..." was the best I could come up with. Oh, and "Enjoy your Wednesday." Even though it wasn't.
The caller's obsessed about the "snake thing" - my bearded dragon. "Sssssssssssssnaaaake thing." That's apparently my new nickname.
Kinda funky - Ssssssnake thing.
Ugh, it's been THAT sort of day, following another one. First one, I was washing up the massive stack left by the housemates, when it slowly occurred to me that it hadn't been piled up in the most stable of manners... Well, as I was halfway through doing the other bits from around the kitchen, I decided it could wait just a second - which proved to be my downfall. The mixer jug slid off a wonky tray, knocked into a bowl precariously perched on the teapot. The bowl skidded off, sending two pint glasses and the lid from the butter dish flying. All of a sudden, I've got a washing up bowl full of glass.
Having got that cleaned up, I went to finish off what was left of the washing; picked up the butter dish, and promptly split my little finger open on a chipped edge. Fancy that, attacked by a butter dish of all things.
I think I may be allergic to one of the soaps we use too... Hmm.
"Thats good things serious like this need to be fun or there not fun" - I think that was a Nigel Mangle.
Friday, 7 September 2007
Disappeared Dragon!?
Oh I feel silly again.
Every morning when I wake up, I go over to the Dragonarium, switch the heatlamp on and stroke his head to say good morning.
But he wasn't asleep on his flexi-branch this time.
I twisted my head a bit to look round the tank better, and I still couldn't see him.
That's not right.
So I slid the door open, and popped his flexibranch on the carpet. I lifted out his hut, checked it over, and put that on the carpet too. Slowly, beginning to worry, I took out his plastic vines, checked them through, and dropped them on top of the hut. Now starting to panic (where the heck has he gone?!) I took out the herbs in quick succession, and he wasn't in ANY of them. I even pulled out the newspaper to make sure he hadn't climbed between sheets and got stuck - and I couldn't find him ANYWHERE. I stuck my head in to look round, and nothing. By this time I'm cross, and start putting things back so I can go to the housemates "Ok, not funny, give him back."
At which point I picked up the flexibranch to put it back in the front of the tank... And the little guy blinked at me. What the?! YOU weren't there before! "So?" But...??? I SWEAR, the little toerag was laughing at me. He was NOT on the branch! He's sat on it now, still chuckling away to himself.
I'm not feeding him crickets any more. They're slow, smelly (however much you feed them) and he's sticking his nose up at them now, in preference to the lobster roaches I breed. I'm watching him as I type - he's just taken a big mouthful out of his mint plant, and is now trying to do the same with his plastic vine leaves. He's given up on that, and gone back to the mint - and taken a flying leap into the middle of it. Mmmm, minty-fresh dragon! (Makes him smell good!)
The axolotls aren't at their brightest at the moment either. They've been having a great time trashing the tank again, knocking the "ice cubes" all over, trying to attack me (what sweet little beasties) and having staring competitions.
Spyyk, in the picture, couldn't be bothered to move, even when a shrimp pooped all over his head. I don't know which is worse - Spyyk for proudly wearing it, or Benny, for trying to eat it. Uck.
Today's quote: "Maybe she got trapped in a cabinet" - Vince Noir, the Mighty Boosh.
Every morning when I wake up, I go over to the Dragonarium, switch the heatlamp on and stroke his head to say good morning.
But he wasn't asleep on his flexi-branch this time.
I twisted my head a bit to look round the tank better, and I still couldn't see him.
That's not right.
So I slid the door open, and popped his flexibranch on the carpet. I lifted out his hut, checked it over, and put that on the carpet too. Slowly, beginning to worry, I took out his plastic vines, checked them through, and dropped them on top of the hut. Now starting to panic (where the heck has he gone?!) I took out the herbs in quick succession, and he wasn't in ANY of them. I even pulled out the newspaper to make sure he hadn't climbed between sheets and got stuck - and I couldn't find him ANYWHERE. I stuck my head in to look round, and nothing. By this time I'm cross, and start putting things back so I can go to the housemates "Ok, not funny, give him back."

I'm not feeding him crickets any more. They're slow, smelly (however much you feed them) and he's sticking his nose up at them now, in preference to the lobster roaches I breed. I'm watching him as I type - he's just taken a big mouthful out of his mint plant, and is now trying to do the same with his plastic vine leaves. He's given up on that, and gone back to the mint - and taken a flying leap into the middle of it. Mmmm, minty-fresh dragon! (Makes him smell good!)

Spyyk, in the picture, couldn't be bothered to move, even when a shrimp pooped all over his head. I don't know which is worse - Spyyk for proudly wearing it, or Benny, for trying to eat it. Uck.
Today's quote: "Maybe she got trapped in a cabinet" - Vince Noir, the Mighty Boosh.
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Crumbs, Catch-up!
The days have really been getting away with me. It's not so much been busy, as I've been doing stuff!
Today I spent two hours (from walking in from work at five until seven) out on the front in the sunshine with Kuleana, soaking up some sunshine and getting acquainted with some of the locals. I've made friends with a little boy called Matthew. He makes a real mangle of "Kuleana" - I couldn't work out the written version if I tried every day for the next year, but it was manglemanglemanglemangle-ANA! Bless him. His mum was amused anyway, and he was delited at being able to hold the baby lizard. He ate a mint leaf today too, I saw him! At last!
Yesterday was super-awesome-cool though, I had a good day at work, finally got my internet access (which is where I started typing this up today - please note, my views are not the views of the company and all that yada), I came home, spent an hour in the garden playing with the dragon (he's still paranoid about birds), and discovered I had some post! A good friend of mine very kindly sent me all three series of Doctor Who on DVD (Sorry TD, they don't work...), and I got a postcard from my friend in Australia, predictably with a koala bear on the front. It made me laugh. Better yet, I also got half a cookie from my housemates! Yum, I like cookies!
Monday was a corker too, didn't do much at work, got home and discovered I had some post! My brother and sister sent me some Butter Tablet from Scotland. Yum, I like Butter Tablet! Butter Tablet does not go well with salt and vinegar crisps however. I discovered this quite by accident earlier today. I also caught the giant cricket that had been hiding under my bed and chirping loudly late at night. Kuleana enjoyed eating that monster, it put up a good fight. I don't mind crickets in their box singing quietly to each other, but get a loose one and they SHOUT to be heard. REEP-CHIRP-REET-CHIP!
Quote of the day: "We went to a small retirement group this morning and discovered it doesn't start till next month!" - My Nan.

Yesterday was super-awesome-cool though, I had a good day at work, finally got my internet access (which is where I started typing this up today - please note, my views are not the views of the company and all that yada), I came home, spent an hour in the garden playing with the dragon (he's still paranoid about birds), and discovered I had some post! A good friend of mine very kindly sent me all three series of Doctor Who on DVD (Sorry TD, they don't work...), and I got a postcard from my friend in Australia, predictably with a koala bear on the front. It made me laugh. Better yet, I also got half a cookie from my housemates! Yum, I like cookies!
Quote for Yesterday: "He looked like a spider monkey." - Aaron.

Monday's quote: "mind you shopship?" - SD Sam (Your guess is as good as mine...)
Saturday, my Flexi-Branches arrived from my friend Angela (she's clearing out some old herping stock, so I grabbed two for the price of one). The dragon REALLY likes his. I wake up in the morning and switch his heat lamp on, he's flaked out along the highest point fast asleep. I come home in the evening, and he's sat at the top of the branch looking at me. I know he comes off it sometimes, his herbs have been thoroughly jumped on, and there's the little pile of dragon dung for me to get rid of. But he clearly climbs back up. Snake likes hers too, she's knocked it over twice, and I found her draped asleep on it when I left for work this morning. Like some sort of scaly tinsel. My axolotls were being weird too - I noticed Benny (the yellow one) stood in the middle of the tank looking up. I followed his line of sight, and discovered Spyyk just hangin' about.

Quote of the day: "We went to a small retirement group this morning and discovered it doesn't start till next month!" - My Nan.
Friday, 31 August 2007
Bottles, Bounces and Breakfast.
I think there may be one of the dragon's crickets loose in my room too - I can hear it, but I can't find it. The dragon himself has been very affectionate and lively today, after a big meal and an hour of snooze-time, he was hopping about like a flea on caffeine. What really tickles me though, every time he sproings off somewhere, he checks if it's ok, looks back at me. He took a flying leap off my leg, onto the duvet, charged my foot, licked my sock, then ran off down the bed. I was most amused. Been licked so frequently today that I feel quite clean! But I stroked the top of his head for him, he loves that. Silly beast.
Quote of the day: "My computer just quacked! Eeek!" - Housemate Dave (No, I don't know why it quacked either.)
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Fabulous Fish, Resting Reptile and Chilled Crisps.

One of the things I like best about work is the vending machine. It's the only place I have ever had refridgerated crisps, and I have to say, they're very refreshing when you have the late-afternoon munchies! Had some fun with some of the staff in Car Hire though - silly so-and-so didn't read the fax stating that the new form was an AMENDMENT. I got a ranty call going "You can't book a car leaving us 30 minutes to get it there, it doesn't work like that!" It took me longer to break in, and point out that the car was already here, we just wanted to extend the hire by a day.
Oh, and more fun - I was trying to find out some import/export information (one of my housemates wants some of my friend in Australia's fish sent over) - I went "Hi, I'm from the UK and would like some help getting such and such from Queensland. With more technical detail here." I got a reply, "Unfortunately I have no idea. We only deal with animals coming in from overseas. The only advice I can give you is to contact a local authority in Queensland." With a sigh, I quietly typed a response. "Hi again, let me rephrase this a little. I'm from England, in the UK, in Europe, the other side of the World." Well, if that's not overseas enough, then I'm a concrete paving slab.

They really are a superb band. I'm hooked, my Mum's hooked, my friend Kirsty is hooked, Erkan from the Nederlands is hooked, and Brett over in Australia likes them too! They deserve to go world-wide, for Mikey-Guitar is cooler than we!
Today's quote: "We've lost the aubergines!" - Housemate Kat
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Chilled, Computers, Cooking and Cider.
Having discovered a rather powerful Movie Processing package on my laptop (it came as part of the free bundle, sweet) I have spent the best part of the afternoon learning how to make it work without instructions.
Spent another peaceful afternoon with Kuleana, we had a walk round the house as he sat on my shoulder, and he's busy bouncing from leaf to leaf now. Every time he peeps out of the glass front, (he pops his head over the ledge, and holds it with his fore-paws) I go to get him out - hopefully it'll train him to "ask to play".
Sat and watched Layer Cake too - not sure I think much to it, but it was worth watching.
I'm still trying to persuade YouTube to upload it, it ain't nothin' fancy, but I should be able to do some nice stuff later on, now I know how to use it. Aha - after much poking and processing, I have managed to get it to consider thinking about maybe letting me upload...
I have to laugh - a friend of mine, Samir, doesn't drink - and his landlord brought him a rather large bottle of cider. So this morning, I got a message, do we want it? Well, I'm an ex student, and my housemates are Uni-students, so we're not about to turn down free alcohol.
Spent another peaceful afternoon with Kuleana, we had a walk round the house as he sat on my shoulder, and he's busy bouncing from leaf to leaf now. Every time he peeps out of the glass front, (he pops his head over the ledge, and holds it with his fore-paws) I go to get him out - hopefully it'll train him to "ask to play".
Sat and watched Layer Cake too - not sure I think much to it, but it was worth watching.
I'm still trying to persuade YouTube to upload it, it ain't nothin' fancy, but I should be able to do some nice stuff later on, now I know how to use it. Aha - after much poking and processing, I have managed to get it to consider thinking about maybe letting me upload...

I nearly died laughing when he handed it over - smart, sensible Samir... Well, look at the image for yourself. It's now sat on our sideboard whilst we decide whether it's safe to drink. If I go missing for more than a week, please call my Uncle Steve, he's an undertaker.
Turns out I'm not best fond on Fennel Bake either. I mean, fennel is lovely as a flavouring, but I think trying to eat a whole heart of one is a bit much. The cheese and garlic and onion and tomato was really good though, and the trifle was certainly good enough. I adore custard. I need to look into investing in a good recipe book - any suggestions? I really like simple foods, and I REALLY like Italian food, and I really REALLY like not having to wash thiry-bazillion pots, pans and assorted utensils. Any ideas, leave it in Comments for me, thanks.
Alrighty, it do work! Now, stick your 'phones on, whack up the volume, kick back and close your eyes... I have to admire Nige's fusion skills. Muse doesn't hit him often, but when it does - it does. Nige mate, looking forwards to the next one - I have more audio-samples when you're ready.
Quote for the day: "Monkey see, monkey want to do..." - BJO'P
Alrighty, it do work! Now, stick your 'phones on, whack up the volume, kick back and close your eyes... I have to admire Nige's fusion skills. Muse doesn't hit him often, but when it does - it does. Nige mate, looking forwards to the next one - I have more audio-samples when you're ready.
Quote for the day: "Monkey see, monkey want to do..." - BJO'P
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