Ohhhhkay, just had the most random call. Someone went Hello? I'm like, yeah, hello? they went "Who's this? So I told them. And this then happened a few more times. The penny dropped, and I now know who it is.
Did you get me any sweets?"
I responded "Yes, I got you Smarties."

"Well, what can you say?! "And a happy new year to you too..." was the best I could come up with. Oh, and "Enjoy your Wednesday." Even though it wasn't.
The caller's obsessed about the "snake thing" - my bearded dragon. "Sssssssssssssnaaaake thing." That's apparently my new nickname.
Kinda funky - Ssssssnake thing.
Ugh, it's been THAT sort of day, following another one. First one, I was washing up the massive stack left by the housemates, when it slowly occurred to me that it hadn't been piled up in the most stable of manners... Well, as I was halfway through doing the other bits from around the kitchen, I decided it could wait just a second - which proved to be my downfall. The mixer jug slid off a wonky tray, knocked into a bowl precariously perched on the teapot. The bowl skidded off, sending two pint glasses and the lid from the butter dish flying. All of a sudden, I've got a washing up bowl full of glass.
Having got that cleaned up, I went to finish off what was left of the washing; picked up the butter dish, and promptly split my little finger open on a chipped edge. Fancy that, attacked by a butter dish of all things.
I think I may be allergic to one of the soaps we use too... Hmm.
"Thats good things serious like this need to be fun or there not fun" - I think that was a Nigel Mangle.
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I'm sorry, Amber's not at her computer right now - please leave a message and she'll get right back to you as soon as she can!