Friday, 31 August 2007

Bottles, Bounces and Breakfast.

I have decided what I shall ask from my father for Christmas when he asks me this year. Because I always get something completely different from what I ask for, I thought I'd save him the effort and ask for something completely different. So, Dad, I'd like a Klein Bottle this year. No, that's nothing to do with perfume or alcohol, it's a three dimensional glass representation of a mathematical puzzle. And I really would like one. I've been reading Superstring theory in my spare time, and Moebius strips intrigue me.

I think there may be one of the dragon's crickets loose in my room too - I can hear it, but I can't find it. The dragon himself has been very affectionate and lively today, after a big meal and an hour of snooze-time, he was hopping about like a flea on caffeine. What really tickles me though, every time he sproings off somewhere, he checks if it's ok, looks back at me. He took a flying leap off my leg, onto the duvet, charged my foot, licked my sock, then ran off down the bed. I was most amused. Been licked so frequently today that I feel quite clean! But I stroked the top of his head for him, he loves that. Silly beast.

Did I mention I love flexitime? I woke up all badly this morning, and managed to set off with no breakfast. Rolling through the gates of the complex at eight, I decided I was hungry. A rummage in a pocket discovered a hole, and through the hole there was, mercifully, some spare change. So I thought "Stuff it." and had breakfast in the cafeteria. Parked up my bike and got into the office at eight thirty and there was no-one there anyway. So I then went to sleep at my desk for the next hour to rest off the big greasy meal. I can't get into the cabinets until someone turns up, and I had nothing better to do. Oh well, it's on my timesheet. I wonder if anyone will notice? Talking of breakfast, the pancake artist is back with another fine submission. Yeah, thanks for that, it's very... uh... pancakey.

Quote of the day: "My computer just quacked! Eeek!" - Housemate Dave (No, I don't know why it quacked either.)

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Fabulous Fish, Resting Reptile and Chilled Crisps.

Wow, sorry - things keep getting away with me! Monday, I played with the animals, then went to the garden centre, and met this gorgeous lionfish. I bought some nice green things - I bought a big flexible bucket thing to put my rhubarb in (as it turns out our garden is only two inches of topsoil over concrete slabs and bricks) as well as a nice green watering can. It's just the right size to be able to water and Baby-Bio the herbs growing in the Dragonarium. The basil has loved the feed, the mint is actually pressing against to viv-roof, and the parsley is just being parsley. But the dragon doesn't mind sharing his herbs when we want a bit to go in our dinner. We wash it well first of course! (We might be young and poor, but we can afford water. Just.)

Captain Jack, the resident South American Red Tailed Catfish was merrily trundling about, and had a good stare at me through the glass. One day, I'll be brave enough to stroke him - but he has a MASSIVE mouth. That fish is four foot long! The man who cares for him there was most interested to hear about Kane passing away, and my suspicions that it was due to Molchpest. Between us, we checked over the remaining newts, but since care standards improved, they were fine.

Kuleana is being his usual, laid back self. He's been playing so many bouncing-about games that he wears himself out! The picture there is a classic example of how relaxed he is around me - he's fallen stone-asleep, and trusts me not to let him fall. Little guy likes to settle inside my shirt and go to sleep after a big dinner too - and today is no exception. (He's fast out as I'm typing now - my housemates think it's very funny.)

One of the things I like best about work is the vending machine. It's the only place I have ever had refridgerated crisps, and I have to say, they're very refreshing when you have the late-afternoon munchies! Had some fun with some of the staff in Car Hire though - silly so-and-so didn't read the fax stating that the new form was an AMENDMENT. I got a ranty call going "You can't book a car leaving us 30 minutes to get it there, it doesn't work like that!" It took me longer to break in, and point out that the car was already here, we just wanted to extend the hire by a day.

Oh, and more fun - I was trying to find out some import/export information (one of my housemates wants some of my friend in Australia's fish sent over) - I went "Hi, I'm from the UK and would like some help getting such and such from Queensland. With more technical detail here." I got a reply, "Unfortunately I have no idea. We only deal with animals coming in from overseas. The only advice I can give you is to contact a local authority in Queensland." With a sigh, I quietly typed a response. "Hi again, let me rephrase this a little. I'm from England, in the UK, in Europe, the other side of the World." Well, if that's not overseas enough, then I'm a concrete paving slab.

I had a word with Mikey from Bauer, who sent me this rather marvellous scribble along with his usual brand of insanity. If you get the chance, go look on

They really are a superb band. I'm hooked, my Mum's hooked, my friend Kirsty is hooked, Erkan from the Nederlands is hooked, and Brett over in Australia likes them too! They deserve to go world-wide, for Mikey-Guitar is cooler than we!

Today's quote: "We've lost the aubergines!" - Housemate Kat

Sunday, 26 August 2007

Chilled, Computers, Cooking and Cider.

Having discovered a rather powerful Movie Processing package on my laptop (it came as part of the free bundle, sweet) I have spent the best part of the afternoon learning how to make it work without instructions.

Spent another peaceful afternoon with Kuleana, we had a walk round the house as he sat on my shoulder, and he's busy bouncing from leaf to leaf now. Every time he peeps out of the glass front, (he pops his head over the ledge, and holds it with his fore-paws) I go to get him out - hopefully it'll train him to "ask to play".

Sat and watched Layer Cake too - not sure I think much to it, but it was worth watching.

I'm still trying to persuade YouTube to upload it, it ain't nothin' fancy, but I should be able to do some nice stuff later on, now I know how to use it. Aha - after much poking and processing, I have managed to get it to consider thinking about maybe letting me upload...

I have to laugh - a friend of mine, Samir, doesn't drink - and his landlord brought him a rather large bottle of cider. So this morning, I got a message, do we want it? Well, I'm an ex student, and my housemates are Uni-students, so we're not about to turn down free alcohol.
I nearly died laughing when he handed it over - smart, sensible Samir... Well, look at the image for yourself. It's now sat on our sideboard whilst we decide whether it's safe to drink. If I go missing for more than a week, please call my Uncle Steve, he's an undertaker.
Turns out I'm not best fond on Fennel Bake either. I mean, fennel is lovely as a flavouring, but I think trying to eat a whole heart of one is a bit much. The cheese and garlic and onion and tomato was really good though, and the trifle was certainly good enough. I adore custard. I need to look into investing in a good recipe book - any suggestions? I really like simple foods, and I REALLY like Italian food, and I really REALLY like not having to wash thiry-bazillion pots, pans and assorted utensils. Any ideas, leave it in Comments for me, thanks.

Alrighty, it do work! Now, stick your 'phones on, whack up the volume, kick back and close your eyes... I have to admire Nige's fusion skills. Muse doesn't hit him often, but when it does - it does. Nige mate, looking forwards to the next one - I have more audio-samples when you're ready.

Quote for the day: "Monkey see, monkey want to do..." - BJO'P

Saturday, 25 August 2007

Nothing Doing...

Ahhh the weekend! The joys of not having to work it, or really do anything WITH it.

I cleaned the tanks out today, tried out a harness design on Kuleana (whom is intelligent and quick enough to escape it) and have since mooched. What am I supposed to do with weekends? I haven't experienced very many, and I'm at a loss as to what to do with them...

Played peepo for a while too. Spot the dragon?

Spent an incredibly relaxing evening just listening to music, and being slept on by the dragon. He spent a full half hour on the back of my hand as I typed, and I then moved him to my shoulder inside my shirt where he would be safer and less disturbed. Two hours he stayed, out like a light.

Tomorrow (with a little luck) you can try some of the music I have been listening to of late. Please, turn it up, shut your eyes and breathe slow, "Vast Horizon", the one I'm trying to make work, is smooooooth. Nige, the artist, is a technical DJ magician.

I also spent quite a lot of time sorting out Kuley's dragonarium, giving him live plants (with the pots netted so he doesn't eat soil and get ill). He's really enjoying these, licking/eating bits of the parsley, sitting in the basil and sniffing/climbing the mint. Right now he's sat under the parsley plant, half asleep.

Today's quote: "Steady on, honey and bran are not colours. Last time I checked you weren't a B&Q paint guide." - Craig.

Friday, 24 August 2007

Complicated Civil Service Circles

Wow, you blink, and it's Friday already! I haven't even had time to grab any photos the last few days, it's been a bit busy...

I have to say, I do like my new job, especially now it's picked up. And the Flexitime rules. It was a glorious sunny day yesterday, so I used some of my extra hours I'm owed to go home at three thirty. Spent a long time sat in the garden with Kuleana (he doesn't like pidgeons either) and pottered a bit, which was nice.

Dealt with an argument that's been going on for some days on a forum I work for. Blooming ridiculous, but the admin team have sneaking suspicions of what's going on. Why is it the admin that get it in the neck? I had nothing to do with it, and got grumped at for it. Silly really. It's a case of, you manage to untie one thread, then another member hops in and makes a mess of the bit you already straightened. Frustrating, but between us, working as a team finally, we've bust this thing.

Yesterday was quiet - Eden pooped all down my bed (thanks). I only washed the duvet cover day before yesterday. Oh well, will have to clean it again. Worked like a dervish to go round in complicated civil service circles, trying to find forms, filling out forms, getting forms checked by three people, correcting them, getting them checked by third person, sending them off, getting them back, correcting them - and so on. Finally got the order requisitioned.

This film took my by surprise. It's called "SPIN". If you do anything good today, check it out and think about it.

Quote of the day: "Your face and my backside could be twins" - from a terrible t-shirt.

Monday, 20 August 2007

Crabitat Complete, and Snooty at my Salads!

I've just done him another dish of greens, he's got sweet lettuce, soft dandelion, parsley and finely chopped carrot today. Because he's so small, and his viv is so large, I pop him into a box with his dinner and bugs - but today, he was in a mean temper. I mean, he openly threatened me with wide mouth and everything! Well. I'm not having bad attitude from my animals. So I took advantage of his open mush, and popped a bit of dandelion leaf in it. He was a bit surprised I can tell you, but he's eaten it, and not given me any more aggression. Strange little animal. I imagine he'll eventually associate me picking him up with food, but at the moment he's very skittish, so I'm going to hop in the shower and leave him to eat.

Kuley's eaten some of the bugs, and possibly nibbled on his salad, so I let him back out. After a kamikaze dive off my hand (my quick reflexes saved him from hurting himself, whipped my other hand under his belly) he chilled out a bit. I went to pop him back in, but he walked up my arm. Ok, you can sit on my shirt for a bit, sure. After a few minutes, I tried again. He happily walked down my hand and leaped onto his hut. (Thanks to for the image! Some nice ideas on there, will try him with some.) Little ratbag - he threatened me again later on. I dripped water on his tongue. He was again, surprised, but drank it. Few minutes later, he turned around a bit, licked me and went to sleep. Got very relaxed - he went and crapped on me.

Crabitat is complete, I'm just moving it now... Hmm. And as always, there's not enough sockets. I've popped the hygro/thermometer in there, and will take some readings over the next couple of hours to see if it's suitable. I'll take some photos when I've moved the beasties in.

More of my stuff arrived on Sunday, and I'm pleased to say I have all my hats, and my full Doctor Who book collection. My grandmother DIDN'T hit the roof when I showed her my baby dragon, so that's alright, and they even found room for my bike. I don't know how - it's a Ford Bloomin' Fiesta - but my loach tank arrived safe, sound and a bit grubby. Scrubbed it up a bit, and looks a lot better - loaches are busy whipping about.
Anyway, as you can see, it's a bit chaotic, so sorry about the delay!

Quote for today: "I'm a firm believer in copyleft." - CTL (copyleft - consent to use images and such free from worry.)

Friday, 17 August 2007

Crabitat Coir Complications.

Well, the Crabitat is shaping up nicely - it's not finished yet, but when I'm done, I'll take a photo as I release the new occupants. Got myself completely covered in sand trying to wash it, and realised a bit too late that I shouldn't have worn a white shirt. However, the coir is dealing with excess moisture in the sand, and will make it soft but firm to dig in. I'll give it another hour, and then I'll soak the remaining dry coir, and mix it all properly.

Ah, an hour has passed, and I'm coated in gritty mud! Lovely! Hmm. I tried to rub it off - it just moves and stays stuck. Apparently coir has an almost glue-like quality I hadn't expected... Oh bother - try to rinse it off, and the unexpanded leftovers just slide and expand.

And the blu-tac dragon... I got bored at work. Blu-tac, the ultimate tool in procrastination! But I do finally have computer clearance.

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Delicious Doughnut!

Little guy is doing just great, he's cheeky and FAST on his toes. I nipped out to wash his salad, gone perhaps five minutes, and GLOMP - twelve crickets gone before I even got back! I mixed him a romaine and lamb's lettuce salad, which he looked at, licked once, and then ran away from. He's hiding somewhere in the leaves. Oh, he goes "boing" to his veiwers!

Oooh, a random doughnut! Awesome! Doughnuts are always good, but one presented when you don't expect it - that's close enough to heaven. (I really like doughnuts.) Woah, nostalgia moment from the tasty treat: Flying kites on the beach and tucking into icecreams with my family. Mum, if you're reading this - I'm going to go fly my kite on the fields this Sunday, weather permitting. Give the kids a hug from me, yeah? Thanks.

Tea-jockey at work, and slowly read through the operating manuals for the databases. On paper, they sound really rather efficient (and long winded) - but having seen them work... They have a tendency to "fall over" as the boss says. The rain pounded down so hard, our cardboard office was roaring with sound and the floor vibrated! Thank goodness for Flexitime, I left at four, biked home like mad, and screeched into the hall just as the heavens opened up with a BOOM. Spectacular lightning. If I'd've left at five as normal, I'd be sat here soaked to the skin.

Sorry, I was just watching one of my lobster roaches walking the sheer side of the tank. Another thanks to Rick (a superb supplier of herping stuff, animals and equip: for teaching me the trick to keep 'em in. A thin layer of vaseline, about two inches wide, all round the inside top of the tank - they can't get their feet to grip through it. Nice one! - perhaps not suitable for under 18s, but very funny. (Thanks Brett!)

Today's quote: "You know you're a stoner when you get a random guy whom you've never met ringing you up and offering to sell you some gear..." - Nige

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Daft Dragon, and Spontaneous Spoons...

Oyf, it's still slow at work. Went in at eight, so I could get a head start on this new time sheet, so I knew what I was talking about when the lady came to show us how to use it... And it wasn't working. So, myself and the techie chap both sat and stared at his dead computer for an hour and a half.

Well. He did. I fell asleep. Again. Oops.

Kuleana is sat on a leaf, looking at me. I'm sat on my bed, typing away, and he keeps tipping his head to see me. Hahahaha! He attacked his leaf! Now it's bobbing up and down and he's trying to hold on... I got him to drink when he was in the bath today, by holding water drops for him to lick off my finger, and he's also eaten about ten crickets (dusted with vits and calcium) but he's still not eating greens, but that's ok - what youngster does?! It's good fun feeding him though; a case of sticking him in a box with some dusted crickets, and he goes "YOMP!

So far, the lobster-roach colony (yes, more beasties, these guys are being bred as food for various animals) appear to have had a couple of babies, and have eaten quite a lot too. The crickets are slowly growing, but are still a little small (which is fine).

And a completely random and bizarre photo from Craig - he's got a knack with that funky camera! It's really worth checking out some of his other stuff. Quick strange fact for you, the Nigella Damascena can be used to repel insects from clothes and are given to treat intestinal worms and nerve defects to reduce flatulence, and induce sweating. Dried pods are sniffed to restore a lost sense of smell.

Risotto for dinner (overdose of celery...), followed by a hefty dose of The Mighty Boosh (spectacularly funny) and I only managed to hurt myself once - I put the newt tank on my fingers. Mmm, several kilos of glass, water, rock etc... But! I appear to have avoided the status of "pokeable" with my housemate Kat (she seems to like poking people) - but I think that's mostly due to my randomly handing her spoons. Spot her in the hallway: "Here, present for you." Spot her in the lounge: "Here, have a spoon." The only problem is that I'm running out of spoons...

Today's Quote: "You're about as edgy as a tangerine" - Vince Noir (The Mighty Boosh)

Sunday, 12 August 2007

Beardie Baby!

My dragon is basking, my axolotls are asleep, my hermits are getting to know each other and my newts are grumpy because they've been moved. I got no-one to play with!

Oh, sorry. Didn't I mention that my bearded dragon arrived today? Kuleana. It's Hawaiian, and means privilege with responsibility. He's about eleven weeks old now, bred by my reptile and amphibian specialist friend, Rick. (By the way, if you want any sort of unusual pet, livefoods, equipment etc, do email him: - he really is VERY good. And keeps all sorts of bizarre pets as well as his breeding stock) Kuley is only a few inches long as you can see, and is living in style in a three foot vivarium. He'll grow into it, and in the mean time, he really likes running about and playing with things. And he ate six or seven micro crickets. (Again, supplied for a very fair price from Rick of Rick's Reptiles.) But I have got the viv all set up, and all the foods, so big thanks to Rickeezee, he's a star!

A quote today: "There is a second bottle in the fridge... but my fridge is quite a long way from your mouth." - CL

Saturday, 11 August 2007

Fears For Frankie, Amusment About Axolotls.

Wow, was I bricking it... For those that don't know, when a crab is overly upset/stressed etc, they often lose legs as a result. And seeing this carnage got me worried. As you can see, there's two long orange legs by his side, one hooked one behind him, and you can just make out his major claw laid in front of him. I'm going "Ohhhhh noooo..." by this point. I didn't move him, or take any more photos, because I don't want to upset him. BUT - all is well, all that's happened is that he's shed his exoskeleton, and not eaten all the bits yet; at the top of his shell you can just make out his new claws, in delicate pink! Moulting is a stressful time for hermits, so I'm going to leave him alone for a few more days, gives me time to finish building his crabitat. But it means he'll be all shiny and happy when it's done!

I got the axolotl tank moved up onto the two smaller tables today too, freeing up some valuable floor space. I had to chuckle though, the boys are nosy little creatures. There I was, merrily scooping out water with a spare pint glass (as 35kilos of tank is a bit dangerous to lift - the bottom might give out you see). So after emptying out the first bucket onto the tomato plants, I start filling up another one as Spyyk peeps his nose out to see what I'm doing. As I'm leaning down to say hello to him, Benny has crept out the other end of the tunnel, where I can't see him. I pulled my glass out to tip it into the bucket...

And found this! He seemed perfectly content, so I had to grab the camera. Looks as happy as a toad in there. Don't worry, I quickly tipped him back out into the tank. I swear Spyyk was laughing. But it's my turn to laugh now - Benny is trying to headbutt him out of the log hide. Poor Spyyk, he's gigantic (compared to Ben), covered in scars, and as soft as cotton wool.

Things look a little more organised in here, for now. Hmm. I do need to buy another adaptor though.

The mysterious pancake artist is back again, they obviously saw I had computer problems yesterday. And they've done me a glorious re-enactment especially. Why thank you, I'm impressed and very amused. I've not ever been awarded with personalised pancake carvings before... Mind you, it never occurred to me that there WERE such things before! So yes, I'm delighted to be the recipient of your.. um, culinary creations!

Got time to waste? Well, obviously you do if you're on here! Have a look here then, it really made me laugh. Note: Not all BestOfCraigsList is suitable for minors.

Free Garden Chairs!

Quote of the day: "Oh yeah, When I went in the shower, I found a nut that wasn't there before.
Then it fell off when I got out.
Go in with three, come out with two..." - NC

Friday, 10 August 2007

Yowch, Yum and Yuck.

My friend Nige got shot.
He says: "It's long story involving a pikey, a traffic cone and a large bottle of JD..."

Turns out he'd gone to a bike show with some friends, had a drink with them, and was walking around with a cone he'd found. A drunk pikey arrived on the scene. (Stephen Fry, yes, the famous bloke, describes Pikeys as people who "go out on the town, beating people up and drinking Bacardi Breezers.")

Pikey wanted cone, Nige said no. They had a bit of a yell about it, the pikey hit him a few times, Nige got cross and beat him silly as the pikey-mates tried to jump him too.

This sort of escalates as it goes, to the original one pulling a gun, shooting six times, missing five and getting Nige in the leg with the last one. Fortunately, Nige's mate is an army medic, so Nige's now patched, stitched, and admiring the slug. He says "being shot hurts". At least he'll be alright now. Just take it easy yeah? (Thanks to GANMSafety for their cones)

I'm very amused though, one of the people I talk to regularly was having pancakes last night, and made me a pancake ... I'm not sure how to describe it. Would it be a collage, or a mural? But anyway, Vista threw a paddy when I tried to get a screenshot to show you all, so I had to sketch it instead. I've never been given a message in breakfast-stuffs before. Um, thanks, I guess...

Today's Top Tip: "Never, ever roll in dead seal - the stench is NOT worth it."

Quote for today: "If I told the boys I kissed a model, d'ya think they'd be impressed?" - BNA
"Not when it's a toy motorbike." - Me.

Thursday, 9 August 2007

Qua = half a Quack?

Oy dear me, I kipped at work by accident again, finished one book, nearly finished another, and sorted the remaining cabinet out. Although for some reason, I have missed a drawer, so there's now a random empty one I haven't seen to. Oh well.

Dammit, sorry, just dropped all my paperwork.
Oh SOD IT ALL - now I've found the forms... I've lost my pen!
Oh. It's behind my ear.

And now my sister is laughing at me.
AND my housemates brutally attacked me with teatowels...
I'm giving this up as a dead loss, and will do forms at work tomorrow.

I accidently kicked my laptop earlier too, reaching for the plug and typed "qau".
Kat says it sounds like a duck shot halfway through a sentence. But then she's Russian.
Dave says it's a pigeon with a frog in it's throat. The homemade apple pie was good.
Personally, I recon it's like that noise you make when someone wakes you up at three in the morning and you can't work out what's going on.

Quote of the day:
"My grammar is appling!" - My sister. Proving her spelling is "appling" too.
"*appalling" - My sister correcting mistake.
"Too late. *yoink for blog*" - Me, amused.

"Ah poo" - My sister, cheesed.

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Clearance, Crackers and Crabitat!

I hope my clearance comes through soon though, work is going to drive me potty otherwise. I already tidied the four big cabinets (and labelled them), made several cups of tea, re-sorted three of the four huge filing cabinets(and put the files all in neat holder deelies), read 200 pages of yet another Doctor Who book...

Lucky me though, I get to sit next to the boss-man. And he STILL doesn't notice I'm completely unaware of the world; yup, I fell asleep again about 11am, I was that bored! Woke up with a start about 20 minutes later, and NO-ONE noticed!

Please, send me a tortoise, I'll get the paperwork to the other office the fast way. It's less likely to get lost too. I swear, you'd be chewing the table a loooong ago...

And does anyone know how I managed to cut myself on a peice of cracker? That one's really got me baffled.

I did get my Crabitat fountain completed - it's a little too powerful even on lowest setting, but when I get all the sand in the tank, I can angle it slightly so it works properly. It's one of my famous botch-it-and-see jobs, using a basic hydroponics pump, a fancy icecream tub because it was just the right size (and it was an excuse for us all to have icecream), a chunk of rock for the main body of the fountain and lots of pebbles to hide the lid of the icecream tub. Will look great when installed...

Quote of the day:
"Where's my frog?" - Naboo
"You smoked it last night." - Howard
"Oh yeah."
From The Mighty Boosh.

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Butterflies, Boards and Boredom...

Well wudja believe it, Sod's Law got me again. I got there in very good time - then spent about two hours trying to find out who had all the paperwork so as I could get my security clearance... Then we discovered that my intra/internet and general computer clearance doesn't come through for a week. (Way to Gray for Burrfly, nice phone-tograph, nicely done mate - slightly less random than the occasional cheese.)

So I cleaned the whiteboard, nearly fell asleep, read lots of leaflets about security (oh the irony), nearly fell asleep, made a cup of tea, nearly fell asleep, popped a letter in a pigeon-hole, and managed to stay awake for a bit, then read my book until quarter to six. And I'm getting paid for it!

Today's Quote: "Now that I have said my middle name is Thomas, it is staying that way." -

Monday, 6 August 2007

Wonderful! Wireless Working!

Hoorah, my internet works! I'm sat on my retentively tidily made bed, with my laptop merrily overheating because of the feather duvet - but it works! I managed to surf the net and get on here, as you can see.

Really need to poke my housemate to get him to empty all this chuff out of the little tables, so I can move everything round a few degrees to the right. (My room isn't holding up to my own personal Shui) Worryingly, I have just been informed that desk will not hold my tank... We shall see. I did the brave thing and sat on it. It didn't fall over, so I think we should be ok with my two axolotls on it. They might be fat little meffs, but they're not that fat.

My new (Swedish!) coathangers are doing a superb job of hanging a multitude of items, not just coats. I should have bought more really, to replace my old ones, as now these functional, sturdy black ones don't match my old ones... I've also completely trashed another pair of my trademark black trousers - I don't know how, or where from, but I have discovered there to be a big splot of superglue on the knee. Hmmm, attack of the mystery glue. I'm not going to start panicking just yet. If it happens again, then I shall begin to cower. Big thanks to for some randomness. Spot what's wrong...

I also got a form back this morning, and chased up the other one; so if all goes well, I should be stuffed in a cubicle this time tomorrow. Providing the good old Law d'Murphie doesn't decide to make another "You've Been Framed" clip from my life to show his mates.

Hurrah, have successfully moved the desk - my room is beginning to look much... calmer. My books are all in the wrong order as half are still missing, but that will be fixed when the rest turn up in a couple of weeks. Now that they're not in bags all over the floor, I can MOVE again!

Quote today: "I am multi-talented: I can talk and pee you off at the same time." - A t-shirt I saw.

Sunday, 5 August 2007

Flatpack, Foilsheets and a Flower (or two).

Chaos again, pure and simple! This morning, we all piled into the van to go to Ikea. And because there wasn't enough room - I had to go in the back. One point, we braked a bit hard and I went base over apex, rolling neatly backwards until I met the side.

I'm completely broke(ish) now - Ikea stole my last £10 for coathangers, a lampshade (as pictured) and some rocks for Frankie's Crabitat I'm still working on.

But we did get a new dining table, and lots of other essentials in flatpack form, which we've had great fun almost destroying trying to make sense of the instructions. But, all six chairs are now built and standing proudly with their white covers around a smooth birchwood table that doesn't quite match... Oh.

I had a complaint about my dark backgrounds today, so I said: "But they do stand out from the rest - and with CRT monitors, it's proven to be energy saving, so my websites are environmentally friendly!"

And then after a lot of messing about (yes we will go to the studio, when does it opne, oh no, we won't, well, perhaps we will, is next sunday any good, oh no, never mind, it's not for us) we finally got to the University to do another four hour sitting photoshoot. After a few hours of being the lighting rig, and holding various reflectors (we forgot the usual stand, so I did the standing, and stood in for it) I got a bit bored, and had a play with my Practika 5 and anything that was around. I'm really not a good photographer, but I liked this one, I managed to get the macro to work just nice, and didn't have to hold a single reflector! Well, until they wanted the gold-shine on the pool table for the next hour. Oh well. Apparently I make a reasonable stand. More adjustable than the metal version I'm told...

Bids are still going up on my ebay, check it out here at Penniless Creationists!

Quote for the day: "We're English, we wouldn't pee on the road in winter, in case the little birds tried to warm their feet..." - Myself, to my Australian friend, after he was looking on the UK eBay.

Apparently, FIGJAM. But DILLIGAF?

Saturday, 4 August 2007

Crazy Cheerleaders and Finally, Furniture!

Because the eBay thing got so big, I've done a spinoff blog, read it here: The Penniless Creationists

This morning, Spyyk sulked at me. He doesn't like being moved around. But, we got the tank drained, and moved them both upstairs to make room for the new furniture! And Dave moved the Newt Tank into the Fish Room. Yes, I know they're not fish, but we needed somewhere to put them - and nearing 30 tanks in-house, space is a little limited. So there.

My housemate Kat (who can do the whole camera thing) dragged me to act as schlepper to a photoshoot. In other words, I was chief bag carrier, and sheepdog. Cheerleaders have a tendancy to wander off in different directions at the same time, if you don't keep herding them. Although she has promised me some of the final photos, so that's not so bad!

Cheerleaders are alright, but it's the complaining. "Nooooo, you can't have that shot, I look like a man *sobsob*!" and "Oh no, I'm so UGLY!" Ugh, for crying out loud. I got so cross, I snapped at her: "For gods sake, shut up, you're gorgeous - anyone will tell you that!" She kept whimpering, so I grabbed three blokes wandering past and went: "This girl thinks she's ugly. What do you recon?" And of course, "Nono, you're beautiful darl..." etc, etc. She went bright pink. HA. At least she shut up.
(I mean, seriously, this is only a photo I sneaked with my camera, not the professional ones with the big cams - but she recons she's ugly?! Crazy girl.)

The outside shoot was interesting, as the cheerleader laid out on the floor with the flowers is scared of ducks - and look! I thought it was cool, all the little squeaky noises. And the ducklings cheeping was sorta cool too.

We managed to catch a lift back in the van that was delivering our furniture (Hurrah, I have a bed, and wardrobes, and a desk, and tables!) but there wasn't enough seats. So I ended up with Kat sat on my knee all the way home. And now I've finally stopped, with a good cup of Orange Pekoe, collapsed on the new purple-ish sofa (which matches the bright orange carpet in ways you wouldn't believe...) admiring the matching chairs and large foot-stool-thing. Which now smell delicately of charcoaled chicken, as we forgot to shut the patio door - whoops.

Quote of the day: "I'm going to go, so I can ignore all the pretty cheerleaders." - David

Friday, 3 August 2007

Crazy American, Controlling Animals and Calming Axolotls.

Whoo, people are LOVIN' my eBay junk! They're bidding, and asking questions!
NEW: Because the eBay thing got so big, I've done a spinoff blog, read it here: The Penniless Creationists

My family and I got lost.
Repeatedly. In fact, we were severely mocking my stepfather for his sat-nav; you all know I have a near-lack of direction, but I was far more accurate. "We want to go thataway." *pointing* SatNav: "Go the other way." Hmm. I didn't get us lost, SatNav.

After a long while of walking about in the belting sunshine (I regret wearing a sleeveless shirt) we persuaded the stepfather that it would be a REALLY good idea to stop and get some refreshments. So we sat with cans and cold stuffs (I had lemon sorbet, mmm, wafflecone.) and watched this guy singing his heart out. He couldn't, but he was just great to watch. An American lady joined in, then bee-lined for me, saying "He's ok, I'm on stage now." Why do they always target me? I had my eyes closed for crying out loud! My mother was most embarrassed for her. Although when the US lady yelled "You wouldn't be here if it weren't for us!" my SD muttered "Yeah? Well, if it wasn't for us, YOU'D be a Native American."

Ahum, sorry about that - I fell off my stool.

We got lost a bit more, ran to catch a boat that went up the river, and back down again, hearing about I.K.Brunel's work on the railway close by, and the flooding of the plains instead of using fertilisers, and how it's one of the cleanest rivers in the country. It might not look it, but I can tell you with confidence that it's not far off crystal clean, the green is light refracted from the plants...

Supped a SouCo with dinner in a pub, and finished my sister's chips, so I'm very happy...

And then spent the evening stuck in a four foot tank, catching fish, draining water, and generally mucking about with stinky-rank sand. And we STILL have tanks to move... Ooer. Spyyk knows there's something up.

Quote of the day: "Every fight is a food fight when you’re a cannibal." - Demetri Martin

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Tasty Technology and Pukka Tucker.

Kat decided it would be a really good idea to make some custard this morning. She's never made custard before - as you can probably tell. It was good fun trying to blow custard powder out from the keypad of her phone (which was where the oblong is on the photo) and it's still sort of gummy. Mm, mobilicious. The custard turned out well, once I'd taken the sugar-jar off her. Very tasty, vanilla sugar works.

My mum came to visit me today! They all fell in love with Twix and Crunchie, and T&C fell in love with Mum. And then we went to Say Pasta - and BOY was it gooood! I had Spaghetti Aglio - garlic and mushrooms and bacon with some hellfire chillis (WHOO!), but ended up eating half of my sister's bolognaise because she'd been given an adult portion, and half of my brother's pizza because he's being a picky little toad, and then ended up with half of Mum's almond and chocolate torte because there was too much. This is alongside my own pudding of lemon tart and raspberry sorbet. And d'ya know what - I could still murder a sandwich. (Hollow legs, so I'm told.)

NEW: Because the eBay thing got so big, I've done a spinoff blog, read it here: The Penniless Creationists

Quote for the day: My brother - "Mum, what's sheep dip?" Mum - "It's like sherbert dip. But with wool. And no stick." Brother - "So nothing like sherbert dip at all then?" Mum - "No."

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Muphy's, Monsters and McCoys!

If anyone wants to write a thesis on Murphy's Law, then I'm your ideal test subject. I'll rent out my Sod's Law abilities for a very fair price.

So, Day Two, I get there for Interview Take Two - and again, the interviewer doesn't. Turns out she'd been sent to the wrong branch, or I had, or something, no-one really seems to know. We got there in the end though, and it turns out it went well! Got out at 12, ordered a statement from my bank (so I have sturdier proof of who I am - ulike the taxman, they won't take blood.) and managed to get the bus home without getting lost. Having taken a few moments to scribble chuff in here, I'm just grabbing a yogurt and throwing myself out of the door and promptly into that vicious net of government paperwork.

Another completely pointless and distracting link. Oh, the fine art of procrastination...

I spent an hour or two playing with Twix and Crunchie (Crunchie is the one in front), and helping them finish shedding. They're in a play tank at the moment, to get some swimming and climbing exercise. Their normal tank is a box full of compost and coir, as tiger salamanders are "mole salamanders" - they LOVE to dig. They also love crickets, and being tickled.

I just got a call from NatWest! They're sending me some paperwork to fill out, and then I'm being called back in to see the management. I'm told this is a good thing... Makes me feel like my forms will be a spelling test.

Mmmm, tortilla. I have a whole one hanging out of my mouth as I type and it is good! Homemade salsa for a bit of kick, not sure about guacamole but the chicken filled it up nicely. Boy, we made a mess between us. Kat got sauce all over her knees, Dave's fell to bits, and mine dropped sour cream with a splat that went all up the cupboard next to me. Whoops.

Does anyone know where I can buy packets of flavouring that they put on crisps? I would REALLY like McCoys cheese and onion - if anyone knows, or has a question etc, feel free to email me:
indigo _ blue _ fish @ hotmail . co . uk

Today's Quote: "I have mastered the art of walking forward so he backs towards the door, until he is out. Then I shut it." - a friend of mine, dealing with a very awkward customer.
I've just done him another dish of greens, he's got sweet lettuce, soft dandelion, parsley and finely chopped carrot today. Because he's so small, and his viv is so large, I pop him into a box with his dinner and bugs - but today, he was in a mean temper. I mean, he openly threatened me with wide mouth and everything! Well. I'm not having bad attitude from my animals. So I took advantage of his open mush, and popped a bit of dandelion leaf in it. He was a bit surprised I can tell you, but he's eaten it, and not given me any more aggression. Strange little animal. I imagine he'll eventually associate me picking him up with food, but at the moment he's very skittish, so I'm going to hop in the shower and leave him to eat.

Kuley's eaten some of the bugs, and possibly nibbled on his salad, so I let him back out. After a kamikaze dive off my hand (my quick reflexes saved him from hurting himself, whipped my other hand under his belly) he chilled out a bit. I went to pop him back in, but he walked up my arm. Ok, you can sit on my shirt for a bit, sure. After a few minutes, I tried again. He happily walked down my hand and leaped onto his hut.