Wow, sorry - things keep getting away with me! Monday, I played with the animals, then went to the garden centre, and met this gorgeous lionfish. I bought some nice green things - I bought a big flexible bucket thing to put my rhubarb in (as it turns out our garden is only two inches of topsoil over concrete slabs and bricks) as well as a nice green watering can. It's just the right size to be able to water and Baby-Bio the herbs growing in the Dragonarium. The basil has loved the feed, the mint is actually pressing against to viv-roof, and the parsley is just being parsley. But the dragon doesn't mind sharing his herbs when we want a bit to go in our dinner. We wash it well first of course! (We might be young and poor, but we can afford water. Just.)

Captain Jack, the resident South American Red Tailed Catfish was merrily trundling about, and had a good stare at me through the glass. One day, I'll be brave enough to stroke him - but he has a MASSIVE mouth. That fish is four foot long! The man who cares for him there was most interested to hear about Kane passing away, and my suspicions that it was due to Molchpest. Between us, we checked over the remaining newts, but since care standards improved, they were fine.

Kuleana is being his usual, laid back self. He's been playing so many bouncing-about games that he wears himself out! The picture there is a classic example of how relaxed he is around me - he's fallen stone-asleep, and trusts me not to let him fall. Little guy likes to settle inside my shirt and go to sleep after a big dinner too - and today is no exception. (He's fast out as I'm typing now - my housemates think it's very funny.)
One of the things I like best about work is the vending machine. It's the only place I have ever had refridgerated crisps, and I have to say, they're very refreshing when you have the late-afternoon munchies! Had some fun with some of the staff in Car Hire though - silly so-and-so didn't read the fax stating that the new form was an AMENDMENT. I got a ranty call going "You can't book a car leaving us 30 minutes to get it there, it doesn't work like that!" It took me longer to break in, and point out that the car was already here, we just wanted to extend the hire by a day.
Oh, and more fun - I was trying to find out some import/export information (one of my housemates wants some of my friend in Australia's fish sent over) - I went "Hi, I'm from the UK and would like some help getting such and such from Queensland. With more technical detail here." I got a reply, "Unfortunately I have no idea. We only deal with animals coming in from overseas. The only advice I can give you is to contact a local authority in Queensland." With a sigh, I quietly typed a response. "Hi again, let me rephrase this a little. I'm from England, in the UK, in Europe, the other side of the World." Well, if that's not overseas enough, then I'm a concrete paving slab.

I had a word with Mikey from Bauer, who sent me this rather marvellous scribble along with his usual brand of insanity. If you get the chance, go look on
http://www.baueronline.co.uk/They really are a superb band. I'm hooked, my Mum's hooked, my friend Kirsty is hooked, Erkan from the Nederlands is hooked, and Brett over in Australia likes them too! They deserve to go world-wide, for Mikey-Guitar is cooler than we!
Today's quote: "We've lost the aubergines!" - Housemate Kat