Clearance, Crackers and Crabitat!
I hope my clearance comes through soon though, work is going to drive me potty otherwise. I already tidied the four big cabinets (and labelled them), made several cups of tea, re-sorted three of the four huge filing cabinets(and put the files all in neat holder deelies), read 200 pages of yet another Doctor Who book...
Lucky me though, I get to sit next to the boss-man. And he STILL doesn't notice I'm completely unaware of the world; yup, I fell asleep again about 11am, I was that bored! Woke up with a start about 20 minutes later, and NO-ONE noticed!Please, send me a tortoise, I'll get the paperwork to the other office the fast way. It's less likely to get lost too. I swear, you'd be chewing the table a loooong ago...
And does anyone know how I managed to cut myself on a peice of cracker? That one's really got me baffled.
I did get my Crabitat fountain completed - it's a little too powerful even on lowest setting, but when I get all the sand in the tank, I can angle it slightly so it works properly. It's one of my famous botch-it-and-see jobs, using a basic hydroponics pump, a fancy icecream tub because it was just the right size (and it was an excuse for us all to have icecream), a chunk of rock for the main body of the fountain and lots of pebbles to hide the lid of the icecream tub. Will look great when installed...Quote of the day:
"Where's my frog?" - Naboo
"You smoked it last night." - Howard
"Oh yeah."
From The Mighty Boosh.
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I'm sorry, Amber's not at her computer right now - please leave a message and she'll get right back to you as soon as she can!