Week has been a little slow, came home Monday, cleaned the animals and a quick clean of the shower. Came home Tuesday, cleaned the living room, diningroom and hallway (including scrabbling up the stairs to find the stray hairs that I get told off for if they're still there. My list of jobs specifically states if there is a hair left, I have to hoover the stairs all over again...) and came home Wednesday and packed my stuff. Thursday I spent with Dragon, playing and reading my book, and Friday I poddled back a bit further south to hide at His house - Home.
R.I.P Mr Anderson. You were a fantastic fish.
Poor Bloke has a cold. But Youki-Hi bathbombs made him laugh.
And Yay for Bauer! I got my CD in from Mikey Guitar, signed by all the members, and a big smiley face from Mr Guitar himself! Ta lads http://www.roughtrade.com/site/shop_detail.lasso?search_type=sku&sku=294844 - hurry, grab one whilst they're still available!
Quote of the day: "You have the willpower of a melted Mars Bar..." - Carol at work.
Never underestimate Mars Bars.
ReplyDeleteGrandma was killed by one.
Never saw it coming.