"Yes, I think I just called my uncle a roller coaster." - Shroom
Weds: Spent most of today packing odd items. I hadn't realised how little I actually own. Far too many books of course, indeed, about eight carrier bags full now, but besides those, my tanks, and some basic pots, I don't really own much. Oh well! Less to worry about I guess. I did buy a new shirt though – does that count? Image: Harold I - the Pomelo! (Immortalised forever as a planet for my sister, with love from Him.)
Ugh, and I got off to such a good start with this new Operating System. I'm attempting to live with FreeSpire, a Linux spinoff. I will say, it is quite Windowsy in its layout, but it's a stubborn pain in the bum!
Maybe He just has the magic touch. Either way, it's annoying when it was working happily the other day, and not now. All I want is a bit of internet! One minute there are several open connections, the next, only this one; none of which I can get on anyway. It does have a handy help button – but you need the internet to use it, which moots that point.
Still waiting to have a word with one of the housemates, they've got a friend round so I don't really fancy interrupting to tell them I'm going to sod off by the end of the month. Kat found a baby mouse wandering in the house, which is somewhat worrying. It died shortly after she'd put it in a tank thing, so it was fed to my snake. Again, I was a little concerned about parasites etc, but Eden seems to have enjoyed it...
The Quote Of The Week: "The early bird get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese." - Bloke called Brian