Monday, 3 March 2008

Manic Monday and Magic Mandibles...

I have neglected to mention the lovely meals I've been having lately. Valentines, He showed off by whipping up an asparagus, mushroom and pasta dish with a light garlic vegetable stock. Yum! We've had spicy chicken fajitas, yummy omelettes (pictured here), pork sweet 'n' sour stirfy, toasted bananas with pomegranate, raspberry and passionfruit coolie, greek yogurt with various toppings, duck spring rolls... anything tasty we can think of to try, we're trying! (Ideas gratefully accepted, please use comments or email!

Ugh, and I got off to such a good start with this new Operating System. I'm attempting to live with FreeSpire, a Linux spinoff. I will say, it is quite Windowsy in its layout, but it's a stubborn pain in the bum!

Maybe He just has the magic touch. Either way, it's annoying when it was working happily the other day, and not now. All I want is a bit of internet! One minute there are several open connections, the next, only this one; none of which I can get on anyway. It does have a handy help button – but you need the internet to use it, which moots that point.

Still waiting to have a word with one of the housemates, they've got a friend round so I don't really fancy interrupting to tell them I'm going to sod off by the end of the month. Kat found a baby mouse wandering in the house, which is somewhat worrying. It died shortly after she'd put it in a tank thing, so it was fed to my snake. Again, I was a little concerned about parasites etc, but Eden seems to have enjoyed it...

The Quote Of The Week: "The early bird get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese." - Bloke called Brian

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I'm sorry, Amber's not at her computer right now - please leave a message and she'll get right back to you as soon as she can!

