Monday, 21 April 2008

Near Misses and Nice Mess!

Oh dear Lord, He hypnotised the dragon. Click Me To Get Trippy Like Dragon! "Look into my strobing lines and make your eyes goes wibble wobble!"

Anyway. It's been a day of near misses, and a week of Not-Muching. Oh, but I did work for Lee Evans on Wednesday. Oh alright, not THE Lee Evans, just A Lee Evans, but still... As for near misses, we lost winning three balls on the lottery by an extra number on each one, it rained hard with rainbows two seconds after I got into shelter, I tried four different numbers to get hold of someone and didn't (but did find an OLD number and an answermachine), and leant close to Him - so he was near misses. Sorry, bad joke.

Garden is shaping up lovely with some new lemon balm, a few raspberry canes, some ryegrass waiting to be sown and a sweet little lavender tree in a green pot. I was amazed, these trees sell for £15 in a big DIY store here and the pot like mine for £20. I paid £7.50 and £3. Dragon enjoyed pooing on a dandelion and eating a different dandelion, having spent some time roaming the garden on her leash attached to the newly freed up rotorline.
P.S - Big Surprise coming up over the Bank Holiday - watch this space!

"Tum tiddle tum tiddle tum tum fluffy pink stuff POP! tum tiddle tum...." - Mum; not insane, just selectively perspective.

Word of the week:
"greenbeanoodlechinpiespecials" - ask for more.

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Getting Greener...!

The garden is beginning to shape up slowly, a few hours of hard graft cleaned up the badly laid gravel and dug in some borders. I say badly laid, I should say half-cacked. No liner, just a bunch of stones lobbed on top of the heavy clay soil. Yeesh, that was tough to scrape up and turn, but moving the mulcher gave us lots of composty stuff to turn in. Hank (being built like a brick house) helped us rip up that stupid little fence in the middle, which means washing on the rotor line won't get grubby on it any more. I've planted in some little herbs, and eager for further suggestions!

Mind you, freedom of the kitchen is a true delight; just being able to wander in and mix up a meal... We've had a delicious salmon and mixed bean salad, with peppers and spring onions, and He made some sweetcorn and ham fritters to go with some vegetables yesterday whilst I was ironing. Hehe, well, I'd started trying to do the fritters, but there wasn't quite enough flour, and it all just went wrong. He rolled his eyes and took it off me and did a grand job - no more soggy splats for lunch!

Today's Quote: "Press number K." - Bloke I work with.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Augh! Orange!

My dearest Him drew me a picture, as I was being annoying and buzzing him. This consists of using one finger and playing a version of the "I'm-not-touching" game. Buzzing also means you can gently drag your finger under your victim's nose so it tickles.

He and I have decided we severely dislike "Bear Grylls". His Lordship's point is that this plonker goes into the wild, upsets the ecosystem, is never in any kind of danger as he has a huge backup team, and then sods off again. I don't like him because he messes around with, teases and then eats small defenceless animals (especially reptiles) quite needlessly, and doesn't even enjoy it. I got quite upset when he threw a sandfish lizard around, killed it and ate it - I quite like the little guys and they make good pets. Pillock.

I did have a giggle at work though, I've had a day of messing with customers. Customer came in and went "Oh, you're available?" I just had to. "Not really, but I wouldn't say no to a drink." He looked at me for a moment, and couldn't help laughing. A lady came in to collect some foreign money, handed me a written sheet with the reference on and I went to find it. I came back, sombre faced; "I'm sorry, you've missed off the C in the reference." She was horrorstruck, until she realised I was teasing. She went off to pull the same joke on her husband, as he'd written it down. Oh, I also have a horrible orange promotional T-shirt. His Lordship says "It's very tangerine..." whereas more than one customer has pulled a wry face, commented on its bright, summery look and that "it blends very uh, well, with the posters..."

Quote for the day: "I'm on a Monday every day of the week." - Woman from the council - I like the thought.

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Garden Grumbling and Grumping.

He's complaining about His hair again. Although, even for Him, it's taken on an enthusiastic new extreme... It's not even two inches long, but the double crown has created a cockatoo crest of infinite fluffyness. I've been having a good old chuckle anyway. Even He has to admit it is kinda funny.

We nipped into Tom's cafe with the dragon, much to Angela's delight, and dragon found her to be very comfy and warm.

He recons I've destroyed the aesthetics of His garden. All I did was ask Him to help me plant a rhubarb plant, and now He's "had" to redesign the whole garden. In my opinion, this is a good thing, as at the present time the garden is, in His own words "miserable". It's a patch of scrubby, struggling grass, and the idea now is to put in a gravelled border with herbs and fruit plants. I've bribed Him with a gooseberry bush. I know he can't resist.

"Don't you try tempting me with that!" - Him, on gozzers.

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Champignon Crémeux! (et poulet en riz)

Our yummy recipe: 590ml of milk and cream (mixed), one can of condensed mushroom soup, lots of chopped mushrooms, some squished garlic and fine onion, and 290 grams of rice, mixed together holding back one cup of mushroom milk mixture. Put the chicken on top, cover with cupful of mix, and cover in 180C oven for 1hr. Lid off for 15 mins, done. For an ad-lib, add-your-own-ingredients meal - I was impressed. "Very creamy and lovely, I liked it!" says He.

I very much like my new branch - it has my comfortable attitude and enough challenges to keep me interested. I was a bit cheesed at the area manager for having a go at my boss for my book being on my till. Firstly, he should have had a go at me, not my boss (who was fine with it). Secondly, from the customer's veiw of the counter, you can't see it. If the area manager hadn't been behind the tills, he wouldn't have either. It's only cashiers supposed to be allowed behind the tills. But, I shall not let this bother me. I shall just read NatWest's promotional material on the till with a smirk next time the AM is around.

I spent today working in the town's central branch, and I'm certainly not keen on that. They do things very uh... interestingly. However, I shall be a good girl/little cashier and not make a fuss. I'm only there for two days so it's not worth it - I'll be back in my own cosy little till soon.

His Lordship enjoyed the remains of the pudd'n with me, specially nuked and the dragon enjoyed falling on the floor from the table a few times. She's finally shed her belly-skin, so is deliriously happy.

Quote for the day: "Suppy up on my green cherryade???" - Me, mishearing. Turns out it was actually "snuggle up on my green chair again."

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Kung-Sour and King of the Swing.

We had fun doing not much besides redesigning the dragon's tank today and popping in an early hatch-day present for her of a "RodySwing". This is basically a bunch of twigs and some chain. Dragon has had great fun hopping on and off it, making it wibble about and taking badly timed jumps off it into walls/wood/glass doors and the like. She had a good old scrabble in her new secret tunnel I made and dived in lots of plants...

We were SUPPOSED to be gardening, but we decided not to, as it was snowing. We were also SUPPOSED to be cleaning, but we decided not to, as no-one else could be bothered either.

So we did very little. And enjoyed it. I played lots of neopets. (If you feel like helping out, sign up by clicking the banner at the bottom - if you want any help, just give me a shout.) Oh, I did go to the shop for Prawn Cocktail Pringles (yummy!) and ate an... uh, unusual dinner. Apparently Kung Po sauce looks very much like Sweet and Sour - so we all enjoyed an odd combination of the two. Actually, it works very well, a light tasty sauce with just a touch of heat and lots of sweet flavours.

"I hope you don't mind tossing in a fruit bowl." - RP. Ooer.

Friday, 4 April 2008

Rhubarb, Rhubarb, Rhubarb!

This evening, I admired a kestrel hanging in the tarnished skies as the scent of my discount lilies mingled with the smell of chunky market stall rhubarb and fresh new SmartCar...

I'm enjoying it here. Alright, so I get paid £2.50 less a day, but then I get back two hours of every day as I don't have to get up at stupid hours to get to work, I finish early and I don't have to wait around ages for public transport. (Probably a good thing, as there ISN'T any public transport to the village/town I've been posted to.) Oh, I don't have to pay for travel at the moment and more to the point - I'm not worried when it rains, as I'm not going to get wet in my boss's car!

I discovered that I'm entirely awful at a MMORPG called Eve and that salads on a sunny evening are tasty and nutritious. I've found a passion for plants - He is lamenting the loss of his kitchen windowsill temporarily - it's got three rocket plants, a pot of mint, basil, chives and a purple passionflower. I have a rhubarb plant to settle in the garden soon, but I'm going to get some compost before I start, to properly pot the herbs up. Talking of rhubarb, I made a yummy crumble today, and He discovered he rather likes rhubarb juice. Took me a while to find the caster sugar though...

Today's Quote: "I thought the sugar was a bit thin..." - George, on putting caster in his tea.