Our yummy recipe: 590ml of milk and cream (mixed), one can of condensed mushroom soup, lots of chopped mushrooms, some squished garlic and fine onion, and 290 grams of rice, mixed together holding back one cup of mushroom milk mixture. Put the chicken on top, cover with cupful of mix, and cover in 180C oven for 1hr. Lid off for 15 mins, done. For an ad-lib, add-your-own-ingredients meal - I was impressed. "Very creamy and lovely, I liked it!" says He.

I very much like my new branch - it has my comfortable attitude and enough challenges to keep me interested. I was a bit cheesed at the area manager for having a go at my boss for my book being on my till. Firstly, he should have had a go at me, not my boss (who was fine with it). Secondly, from the customer's veiw of the counter, you can't see it. If the area manager hadn't been behind the tills, he wouldn't have either. It's only cashiers supposed to be allowed behind the tills. But, I shall not let this bother me. I shall just read NatWest's promotional material on the till with a smirk next time the AM is around.
I spent today working in the town's central branch, and I'm certainly not keen on that. They do things very uh... interestingly. However, I shall be a good girl/little cashier and not make a fuss. I'm only there for two days so it's not worth it - I'll be back in my own cosy little till soon.
His Lordship enjoyed the remains of the pudd'n with me, specially nuked and the dragon enjoyed falling on the floor from the table a few times. She's finally shed her belly-skin, so is deliriously happy.
Quote for the day: "Suppy up on my green cherryade???" - Me, mishearing. Turns out it was actually "snuggle up on my green chair again."