Anyway. It's been a day of near misses, and a week of Not-Muching. Oh, but I did work for Lee Evans on Wednesday. Oh alright, not THE Lee Evans, just A Lee Evans, but still... As for near misses, we lost winning three balls on the lottery by an extra number on each one, it rained hard with rainbows two seconds after I got into shelter, I tried four different numbers to get hold of someone and didn't (but did find an OLD number and an answermachine), and leant close to Him - so he was near misses. Sorry, bad joke.

P.S - Big Surprise coming up over the Bank Holiday - watch this space!
"Tum tiddle tum tiddle tum tum fluffy pink stuff POP! tum tiddle tum...." - Mum; not insane, just selectively perspective.
Word of the week:
"greenbeanoodlechinpiespecials" - ask for more.
Word of the week:
"greenbeanoodlechinpiespecials" - ask for more.
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I'm sorry, Amber's not at her computer right now - please leave a message and she'll get right back to you as soon as she can!