What can I say. His Lordship fell in love. This is little T'sam, a 5 week old dragon of 7.5". I spoke with her breeder and it turns out she's mostly the unusual German Giant species which gives her these rather pretty and odd markings. He couldn't resist at her price; £60 for the little dragon - IF we got a full 4 foot setup. Which turned out to be very good indeed, as we wouldn't have been able to keep the two dragons in the same tank. After I'd bartered and fought over the price (originally £200 for tank, dragon seperate), I paid them £160 in total. Quick breakdown: £60 for dragon. £21 for lighting ballast. £24 for the special bulb. £4 for the tub of pellets for Ky. £6 for the heating unit. Which means that the 4 foot tank which normally costs £140... (I'm grinning!) We got it for £45. Massive thanks to GreatUncle in Malta for teaching me to haggle.

So now Ky has a great new custom tank, and T'sam Eatdaleaf is merrily living up to her name. She's discovered she adores Basil (good for vitamin A), she enjoys apple (good for C and fibre) and absolutely LOVES lobster roaches covered in mixed vitamin and calcium powders. Ky doesn't quite know what to make of the new thing in her tank and we've been wary when they're out at the same time, keeping firm hold of one or the other. (As in the desert, big lizard sees little lizard as dinner...) However Ky has been enjoying exploring in her new home, having mistaken the partition support for a wall and thinking the tank was small. She was delighted when I poked her head around it and she discovered a whole extra "tank" with her bowl, plants and climbing sticks in.
Otherwise, not a lot has happened this Bank Holiday. I waged war on the bathroom, particularly the bizarre orange stuff on the grout/tiles. Now it gleams lovely and white - Hank was quite surprised that the tiles were less terracotta than he thought!
Quote of the Day: "Pretty epic lizard!" - Cpt. Luis, gamegeekery at it's best and most respected.
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