Mind you, the public ought to have an outcry at this latest atrocity I stumbled upon. Yes, it's a pretty little candle, I agree. But does that justify the price tag? No, I'm not going for animal rights here etc, I'm being literal. I stumbled across it on the Coutts giftpage. It's £101.79.
Oh my, it gets better. "Muslims don't NEED a dead prophet!" I shan't laugh for fear of offence. *cough*POT*coughcough*KETTLE!*splutter* They recon Allah is Satan, and He contradicts things in the Bible. Honey, the BIBLE contradicts the Bible. Sorry, I respect Christianity, but not extremism and slander. Anyway. Enough of that. I'd like to hear some of your comments please, but do be respectful. Humour is acceptable, but keep it reasonably good taste!
"Wooo, controversial!" - Communal reply from the house. "Free will but you have to do what I say."
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