Big Dragon was being silly today. I was saying to His Lordship that she's so placid I can bury her in the sand of her tank. He laughed, thinking I was joking, so I buried her. And she happily sat there as I stacked it up to her chin, with a big lizard grin. I took a series of photos and once I'd done, she looked at us, pulled herself out and sat on the pile.
It was very hot over the weekend previous. I mean very hot. 27C hot. Reduced to flippin' flipflops hot. His Lordship gave Himself sunstroke trying to do too much in the garden and had to be packed off to a dark room for a few hours with hydrating fluids (mmm, baking powder and salt...) to sleep. Dragon loved it though, popped her harness on to wander to the shops for some gardenbits and stopped off at The Bell for a cold lemonade on the long walk back home. The barstaff were somewhat cautious at first, but then greatly amused when she shared my lemonade with me. She's always liked the fizzy drops placed on the end of her nose to lick off.
Word of the Week: "Splab" - a cross between a Spaniel and a Labrador. You get some really pants crossbreed names like cockerpoo. The best of all is the cross between a Bulldog and a Shi tzu...
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