Saturday, we all went out for GinjaNinja's birthday (Gratz to ya matey!) and drank a few. Wetherspoons was horrendously busy, and having waited some time, being stood on a few times (for goodness sake, I'm taller than most of the people in this town!) we all gave up and went to Globetrotters. Luckily they weren't charging entrance - I refuse to pay to be able to go sit in an almost empty pub! Mind you, I suppose the fact that I nearly got served twice in one go rather than not at all would sort of make up for it. And they had a bag of Quavers. Then we all went and tucked into nasty, yummy greasefood at the local Charcoal Grill, where a giant MayBug kept trying to get in and I kept throwing it back out. Those are BIG beetles. Somewhat begrudgingly I accepted that most of them were going to have kebab, and kept quiet from my usual comments of similarity to tapeworm etc etc. The photo is a spectacular shot of Big Dragon attempting to be a Shish Kebab. Way to go Big Girl...
Quote of the Day - "For all the new technology, this game comes in four colours. Grey, white, bloodred and muzzleflash." - Stalker, 6 years in the making, supposed to be the best graphics in any game. Except that the breeze causes the plants to twitch spastically. Bad show guys, bad show...
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