We've had floods, we've had fires. I'm waiting for the plague of frogs (do Chav count?) before I can finally call "APOCALYPSE!" and feel validated for it. I mean, surely things are getting weird enough? At just 9 weeks old, Little Dragon is closing in on 10" long already, one customer is convinced they're changing the name of the town to "Tiscerton" (Tesco-Town, yeah ok then...), my work colleague was doing an impressive impression of a fly in a window, a lady tried to credit an umbrella to her bank account and I've just found out I have teleporting/time-travelling receipts. Hank just handed me two reciepts that had turned up in his cupboard from February. I didn't even live here then, and I've never been in his cupboard!
Oh, and my darling partner keeps putting items in reasonable but completely wrong places. I've found the icecubes in the wrong fridge, and we both spent some time looking for the open carton of apple juice, before I turned around and fell about laughing at the juice coyly peeping through the glass door of the cupboard.
Before I forget: Mum, you can get the leaf gelatin in Tesco. I found it!
Quote of the day: "Woah. If you dropped acid, you could get lost in there for weeks!" - Rej, on the completely checkered tiled bathroom of F&Bs.
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I'm sorry, Amber's not at her computer right now - please leave a message and she'll get right back to you as soon as she can!