Mmm, butt-warmed blankets for my cold feet. I have a lovely man. He's been sat on it to make it all toastie! Which makes up for a pants week so far. Yesterday, a transformer blew on Watercombe Lane and took out most of our systems. Interestingly, only half of the building. Turns out we're on two circuits - but the half that went took out the servers, so we had to close for two hours. One poor bloke upstairs had his printer running, but neither his computer or phone had any power, and one poor me got stuck outside in the cold and wet serving customers.
I did have to smile though, I nipped onto Neopets to pick up my advent calendar prize, and won a metallic christmas tree and a box of baubles! Hurray!
"Maybe it would be magical if you were VIOLATED BY A MAGICIAN!" - Toot Braunstein.
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I'm sorry, Amber's not at her computer right now - please leave a message and she'll get right back to you as soon as she can!