The worst bit they're currently working on is making their adverts "compel attention". Basically, every so often they smack you with an unskippable advert and disable absolutely everything until the user responds. Yup, that's right, it renders your phone completely useless until you comply with it's demands. Scary... http://www.cracked.com/
Talking of security systems, the ultrasonic deterrent has been in use for a while and failing spectacularly to deter kids. Have a go yourself with these sound waves; how high can you hear? http://www.noiseaddicts.com I can make it through all of them JUST, if I listen carefully, even with His Lordship's Helicopter powered laptop. I think I might lose 18 and 19khz, but regain a low feeling of sound from 20 onwards. Must check again when The Helicopter isn't powered up. How'd you do?
Talking of security systems, the ultrasonic deterrent has been in use for a while and failing spectacularly to deter kids. Have a go yourself with these sound waves; how high can you hear? http://www.noiseaddicts.com I can make it through all of them JUST, if I listen carefully, even with His Lordship's Helicopter powered laptop. I think I might lose 18 and 19khz, but regain a low feeling of sound from 20 onwards. Must check again when The Helicopter isn't powered up. How'd you do?
Quote of the Day: "When I were a lad, me mother would send me down to t'corner shop wi' a shilling, and I'd come back wi' five pounds o' potatoes, two loaves o'bread, three pints o' milk, a pound o' cheese, a packet o' tea, an' 'alf a dozen eggs. Yer can't do that now. Too many bloody security cameras." - Cat Grumps
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