As you can see, she's MUCH cleaner than when she first arrived too, with all her lovely tigery markings on her tail and legs. The mutated claw on her right hand also snapped off, as she had a good dig under her new "table", leaving a nice clean (though clawless) fingertip. This has made it a lot easier for her to dig and run around her tank as it no longer snags on the bark or pokes the underside of her hand - and potentially makes it easier for her outside her tank when she sucks up the courage!

Yeah - Mocha still hasn't learned to explore properly - you fish her out of her tank, pop her in the middle of the room... and she sits there for hours until you rescue her. But she's getting braver!
Better yet, her attitude has greatly improved with the repeated handling, better feeding and freedom. The trust is slowly seeping in - she even spent an hour snuggled in bed with us. I did make the mistake of yawning and she scared the bejaysus out of me by "HUSSSK"ing right in my face. Poor thing thought I was going to eat her! So I popped her to bed - and found this when I checked on her an hour later!
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I'm sorry, Amber's not at her computer right now - please leave a message and she'll get right back to you as soon as she can!