My SRN (Salary Reference Number) is now back online according to Human Resources automated line -my software still needs rebuilding, but at least I am officially earning as of 08:45 each morning.
But now the dragons are punishing me for being a Bad Lizard Mummy and abandoning them all day. None of them want their dinners because I served it at the wrong time. Ayammasorrie! I has work... You know that, it always used to be this way...
Mind you, one of the picket line looks like she might break away and go crazy very soon - those blueberries I left on top of her salad are looking tastier by the minute.
All glossy and black and juicy... Mmmmm...,
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I'm sorry, Amber's not at her computer right now - please leave a message and she'll get right back to you as soon as she can!