Finally, I am a NeoMillionaire! Still a long way to go before I reach the best bank account, but then I am enjoying spending some of my hard earned neopoints! I've only been playing this game for the last seven and a half years... Selling off some of those codestones helped.

I seem to have developed a rather nice recipe for lemon cake. I'd give you the recipe, but it doesn't have one. I take a big glass pyrex dish, marg it up. Throw about a mug and a half of selfraising in a bowl, three eggs, a splash of milk, some lemon zest, about half a mug of marg and equivalent of sugar in, and mix. Splat some lemon curd in margy dish, throw in mix. Bung dish in microwave, give it about 10 mins or so, and mix some lemon juice, water, syrup and cornflour in a hot pan until it turns slightly jellyish. "I loved your cake. I like cake!" Pretty much the best review one could want. Hurray! We also tried a syrup version, and I intend to do a raspberry one next year. Thanks to Himself for the raspberry tree sketch.
Film: Mirrors. Quote: "ding ding ding ding ding" I liked it, especially the first boo. I can't believe everyone else fell for the second boo. You all should be embarrassed - I laugh at you.
HouseBunny: Sadly, not as funny as some previous Happy Madison films, and draws the attention of large groups of noisy, rustly women. "Better than I expected, quite humorous. Wasn't quite the normal thing I'd go and see." Well, it was a girly film. A case of, rather than stick it in the fruity, gamble your money on the film. It might be worth it, or alternatively, you've just lost a couple of quid.

Dragon Update: Tsammy Dragon is 18.5" long now, and loves his baths. I did him a fresh, slightly warm bath and he threw himself in. Sloshed water everywhere, scooching about with his head underwater, happily blinking and coming up to blow bubbles. Kuleana is her usual demure self, lounging comfortably in the soft dig of sand she's made in her tunnel, quietly observing the world. She can be tempted out with morios, but if she's in a real sulk, all a morio will do is tempt out a nose and a long sticky tongue... BLAT!
His "word" of the week: "Ucluxium - the stalky bit that snaps off a leaf." Disclaimer: NOT a real word. Yet.
Quote of the Day: "summon the seven dragons of reggae" - scientology quote from an IAB clip.
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