M'fishies have got a nice new tank layout - someone was getting rid of some tunnels for hamsters, so I bagsied them. The fish have now got a funky, brightly coloured pair of joined, slopy tubes and bends to swish around, sit on and sleep in. Erwin thinks they're great and has being going round and round and round as is his wont. He likes going in circles! Snekeh has a shiny new heatbulb (which I promptly burnt myself on "psssssht!") and is sleeping under her waterbowl. The dragons are just getting bigger.
Taken: "About as scary as hiccups" sums it up nicely in His Lordship's words. Everybody was raving about it, I didn't think much to it. A bit too James-Bondey for me. Don't get me wrong, I like 007, but this was a bit... meh. An action flick with a predictable outcome. I liked the outfits in the sales scene though.
Righteous Kill: Al Pacino and Whatsisname - very good. It was a good laugh, a little predictable, but a worthy watcher. Considering it was free, it was nice for a bit of escapism, however His Lordship sums it up well: "It was... highly forgettable really. The kind of movie that I've watched, forgotten and not going to start raving to Joe Bloggs down the pub - it's just not worth the effort. It was a well directed, well acted peice of movistry, just something to watch."
Death Race: WooYEAH, NOW you're talking. Crammed full of special effects and enough C4 to knock me sideways (visually speaking) this was a proper treat. I was expecting something a bit cheesy, a bit 1980s, but this stomps all over such expectations and leaves you breathless. Please, please don't try to compare it to the original movie "Death Race 2000" - it's nothing as poor, nothing as tame. I was suitably marvelled and gobsmacked. Kudos. "Although there were more boobies in Death Race 2000. Just a statement of fact in comparison of the two." HL.

Linkage: Remember the freezer-soup incident a few weeks back? Here's some folk trying something similar for science: http://www.gloriousstench.blogspot.com/ Also, see the original: http://www.stinkymeat.net/
Quote of the week: "Tkk nnnnhh" - some politician failing repeatedly on the News. Well said, sir!
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