It snowed! Snowed thick and beautiful - what a glorious blanket we have here. His Lordship is amazed, apparently they've not had proper snow down here for years. Next door's roof looks like a lovely alpine mountain, glittering in the bright winter sunlight. In fact, the neighbours were clearing the snow off their car, dad and one of the sons, when dad scooped a big armful off the side and all over the poor boy! Alright, it was brief, but it was pretty and enough to snow people in! The rhubarb will be good this year if it keeps getting so cold. (Pic: down our normally very busy road. Eerily quiet and beautifully white...)

Oh no. Now I'm
really not a happy bunny. They've replaced the Mr Muscle guy with some animated science superhero. But I always preferred the geeky little guy, he always showed that even the most useless of us could do it. Oh well, I don't recon the new one will last as many years as the old one. (Pic: clicky for bigger - the snow on the bushes overhanging the garden.)
Murphy's Law hit me all over again. I recieved one of these "nice little" chain mails - but this time I appreciated some of the sensible comments it made: "smile when you answer the phone - you might not think it, but people really CAN hear it" and that sort 0f thing. So this time, I read the whole thing. The ususal send to so many people yadayada - "Within the next 6 minutes. Otherwise you will get a very unpleasant surprise. This is true, even if you are not superstitious, agnostic, or otherwise faith impaired!" Fair enough, heard it all before. Yawned at that bit and sent it on anyway (see previous comment on sensible) having BCC'd it.

After, I thought I better give this hire bike a quick try (Mine went over 1k miles some days ago and needed a look over) to get used to it. I thought I'd take it to the supermarket and top up the fuel. I pulled the little bike out of the garage, hopped on, started it. (It's LIKE a Suzuki Access in the pic - but even Google doesn't know much about TGIB Sport, unless you're looking for "Thank God It's Beer".) It made a funny noise. I tried again, wondering if it worked a bit differently to my lovely little Lead. It made another funny noise but started - took me to the top of the drive, coughed pitifully and died. They delivered it without fuel! I came back in to find I had received the email back from my uncle who asked if it helped. Apparently not.
"I'll just put the drill on 'Silent Mode' then- they come with silencers now doncha know!" - Our electrician.
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