Monday, 23 February 2009

Sharpshooter? More Like Dumb Bullet.

It was so bad, it gave me hiccups. You realise of course I was talking about the movie "Sharpshooter". Or rather "Shahurkpshoohurkter". You'll be pleased to know it was so great, it went straight to TV, never even making the big screen. Just my big screen, to my misfortune.

We noticed some glaring errors (in no particular order):

Flick (the black FBI agent/double agent/triple agent or something) recognised the gun waved in his face, and the scope as an "Acog" - when it was clearly an EO-Tech. The Acog is distinctive, rather nicer aesthetically-wise, as it is almost conical with straight lines, whereas the EO-Tech is a nasty cyclindrical peice of chuff.

I even commented on this one; when they're shooting in the boathouse, the guy grabs a dead hench's gun, only to discover the unused gun empty. What kind of guard goes around with an empty magazine in his gun?!

In the beginning of the hostage scene, the hostage's gag is round his neck. In the next moment, it's in his mouth all by itself.

Flick's beard keeps changing length near the end of the movie.

Talking of Flick, his deal starts off in very dark (one assumes early morning). All of a sudden when they're beating him about, it's bright daylight. You'd assume it was because he's being beaten later on - but no, they take him back to seal the deal, as if only a few minutes were rolling by. I'm a bit puzzled by the insta-dawn - this film's set in Canada, not the North Pole.

My personal favourite unfeasability was when Dillon (the hired gun - or "sniper") killed Flick. As his gun was empty, he pulled it off his shoulder, holding the stock horizontally and pulling back the strap. He then popped a stick (that he sharpened with a rock. Seriously, I'm not making this sh*t up...) through the trigger loop, pulled the strap back and shot Flick through the heart. I would like to point out how stupid it would be to have elasticated gun straps - imagine, yon soldier swings it round his shoulder, pulls forwards to shoot - and the elastic snaps it back into his face. Clever.

If I missed any glitches, I apologise - I didn't set out fail-hunting, I just couldn't help noticing them. With a sigh, my rant is over, summarising with "inconsistent and unimaginative." Worth watching, purely for fail value. Warning: your 89 minutes of wasted life are non-refundable.

So yes, the entire movie was about as smart as this goat:

Related Quote of the Day: "It was like a bad porn movie but without all the sex and nudity." - Noxidm, IMDB reviewer.

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