Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Snail Mail

I don't know if you got my email Mum, but here's a copy for you anyway!

I sent you a flower by snail mail.

I think the snail might have got hungry on the way though, sorry!

With much love from, Longthing and Thingthing.


  1. i just checked my email - hehehe snailthing is wonderful. thank you *grins happily*
    msn this evening? i keep missing you!
    love mummathing xxxx

  2. Meant to say, sorry, just got your message. Unfortunately as my personal laptop is a bit broken currently, I'm using his Lordships. I am on facebook though, look for my Kyle's picture - you accepted a friendlink a few days back. ;)


I'm sorry, Amber's not at her computer right now - please leave a message and she'll get right back to you as soon as she can!

