Saturday, 27 September 2008

Mega Mish Mash and More (to come!)

Thank you as always for your patience, it's been a busy couple of weeks with everything falling into place. I will be releasing a special blog later, but here's an update of basic stuff for now.

Game News: SPORE! OMFG!!!!!11!!! L33T! Ahum. Anyway, Spore is just downright addictive. It's not a game, it's a TOY. One you pick up, play with, and have to play with a bit more. There's no "Winning" but the diversity is superb. This is my Faitande, a very successful creature - militaristic and carnivorous primarily, but capable of being omnivorous and good at trading. I've just entered the space era...

Garden News: After pulling up several burnybins full of weeds (choking George) and taming the lavender, the front is looking much tamer and the back much wilder - producing prolific amounts of rhubarb. So much so, we gave some to our lovely neighbours to enjoy too!

Motorbike News: Successfully resprayed bike in luxurious Honda Nighthawk, and the repairs only cost £60, quite a lot less than I'd expected. Thanks to the good folks at Bransons for a sterling job. I also baffled His Lordship by bringing home a full load of shopping on my little bike. I don't have a carrybox yet... I'm also picked on by a flashy thing coming back from one dinky village - one of those that goes "30 slow down 30". It flashes when I'm going 25. Rah!

Fail of the Week: Windows error on a games machine! If you spot any great fails, snap it and send it in. email: (No junk please.)

Work News: See coming post. Have been having a chuckle with customers regarding the current economical climate; one of the branches I work in has lost the carpetting due to flooding. However, the children love the story that burglars broke in, couldn't get in the safe and stole the carpet instead. The adults like the baliffs version...

Dragon News: Tsam is HUGE. He's over 17" long now, making him bigger than Big Girl Kuleana! He's learning to be less aggressive (we use the "squish technique", using the flat of the hand to push down over the head and shoulders if he tries to attack) and he's learning fast. He's also very pleased with US, as he has more independence thanks to his very own "Dragon Slope".

Dinner News: We had sauteed ostrich steak (rare, yummy) with bushbok crush and vegetables on Sunday, just to give the boys a shock. I waited until Hank had gotten well tucked in, making noises of great appreciation, before telling him. His face was a picture - but it was too good not to eat!

Blogs To Come: Cricket St Thomas Wildlife Park! Watch out for releases later! Includes Marmosets, the Fleet Arm Air Museum and our slight diversion from the normal path.

Movie News: (Bit of a backlog...)

Babylon A.D: I was underwhelmed. I'm sorry, but I was. Alright, it was very pretty in places, but it's like someone took a whole bunch of old storylines, attempted to hash them together in a big Diesel-powered blender (Gettit, Diesel, Vin Diesel... Never mind) and ran out of substance toward the end of the movie. That's the general consensus from most people I have spoken to. "There was a storyline, but then it gave up, leaving the actors standing there like ninnies." Hank and George are waiting for the European version to come out, in the hope that it explains more. It's an hour longer than the English/US waste of time.

Pineapple Express: Very Cheech and Chong, but more uptodate and oddball. A very funny film, had me in hysterics on more than one occasion. A little overdone, but that's all part of the deal. (Gettit, drugs film, deal... Never mind.) The humanity of the characters really got me, well done guys. This one gets a huge amount of respect, go see it.

Step Brothers: His Lordship felt a little let down. "A bit like a lot of Will Farrell stuff, I'll watch it and then think Was It Worth It." It was very childish, even for a deliberately childish film, but I have to credit them with some amusement, they did a good job of regressive acting.

Disaster Movie: "Wasn't the greatest." Ouch, burn. Not quite up to scratch with the Scary Movies and The Spartans. I did love the variety of silly characters, and played by so few cast members. Some good lyrics and the "Princess" was spot on for me. If you're going to see it, see it for her.

Tropic Thunder: Didn't deserve the harsh writeups it's been getting in the paper reviews. It was a rather splendid rip-off/spoof with some magnificent effects. "It's a mishmash of brilliant blokey films. All it was missing was tits."

Quote of the Day: "Rubber worker and part-time plum." An occupational title I spotted at work.

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