I have bought a Christmas tree! It is gold and sparkly and I'm so looking forwards to putting it up and making the room sparkle. I have got lovely chocolate and glittery baubles to go with my clear glass stars and snowflakes, and a big gold tree topper star. I look forward to getting the Dragon Trees out too, giving Ky her funky wire tree with acrylic drops again and amazing Tsam with his cone of large looped sequins. I look forwards to going home with presents and making my family smile. It's not even December yet, but I'm READY for my first PROPER Christmas. (Image: Marks and Sparks, where I got some of my baubles.)
Oh, and you'll be pleased to know I'm not likely to suffer depression and neither am I unstable in any way. A couple of months ago, work pressure was giving me panic attacks, but it's all sorted out now. I saw a councellor this week that was "surprised by the way you handle things, you've got extremely good coping methods and a lot of strength." Nice to know! Even with the risk of genetic depression (bi-polar) it seems I've got an inbuilt coping tactic - if I have a problem, I look for the answer, except at times when I can't do anything right then, like bedtime. I have my family, my Blokey, my reptiles, my health and my books - i'm happy. Alright, so I don't curl up with a cat and a book, it's a lizard, but it works for me. Well, I've tried being rebellious, it's too much like hard work, especially when Mum thinks everything is great. Red hair: cool. Motorbike: cool. Tattoo: cool. Peh!

Tsam and Kyle have gone temporarily (I hope) insane, because thanks to Hank turning off the heating in the coldest point of this year so far, they think winter has been and done already and now they think it's breeding season. Tsam is pretty normal, but very confused that Ky no longer runs away when he bobs and dashes at her. He's also very baffled that she thumps him back, and will pointedly ignore him and breezily walk straight past him back into her tank. She seems to know what she's doing, even if she has no appetite. I don't mind syringing her chicken babyfood with calcium. Tsam'll eat anything. He especially likes chocolate cookie. (NOT recommended.)
Relevant QOTD: "I'm medicated. I cannot freak out." - Mum.
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