I think it's one of those sort of weeks already. I called up 118 to get a number, and said " I wonder if you can help me, I'm looking for Mr Wright." Cue uncomfortable pause, until he goes "Aren't we all, honey!" I suddenly realised and fell about laughing.

His Lordship has rediscovered an old love. And I tell you, He's going to be high on Es, Fs G, H and Is before long if he keeps munching all those sweets. Hes, he's rediscovered AlphaLetters. Mum says we ought to save all the letter e's for when we go out somewhere, go up to people and start offering them out to see how long it is before we get arrested. Ah, sadly, there's a lack of them. I think they may be making a point about their E numbers. He's been writing lots of sweet messages (oh dear, bad pun, sorry) for me, ooh, and He's just written another. Oh. He's written "D O U F A R T." Oh well, He's still wonderful and makes me laugh.
Is it weird to be carpeting my vivariums? Ah well. The dragons are getting soft new flooring in a lovely brown Astroturf. Think of it like this: have you ever stuck a damp finger in dry sand? Yeah. And these Dragons go round licking it every so often - I'm worried they'll get bellies full of sand, it can't do them any good. So they're getting some nice soft fake lawn to dance around on, pull up, sleep in etc. Will keep Tsam occupied for a while, trying to tear bits off.

Ah well, at least that warm weather I was promised has arrived. By which, I don't mean it's sunny glorious skies, but that it isn't chuffing it down with snow like it is back home. This Larry. Apparently there's hail and wind too. Just not here.
The Quote: "I accidentally turned the devil into a hobo but I never intended to melt off a characters hand. And then they all communicate by magical toaster. I still don't know how that happened." - Bogle, writing her new book.
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