Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Caution: Cuisine!

His Lordship really makes me laugh sometimes. We were walking home from town and stopped into Monties to pick up some Swizzells lollies for Him and noticed the girl in front of us was buying two big bottles and four cans of cola. I was amused to notice they keep the coffee in the same lockup as the JDs she wanted and commented to Him on this; it's one of the most commonly stolen items from convenience stores - bacon, cheese and coffee. The till chappy nodded and I explained to His Lordship that the coffee was most stolen, because sniffer dogs can't pick up a scent through it. He laughed and said "Well, you don't need to tell him, he's a coke dealer! Look at the load he just shifted!" After a moment of befuddlement I realised. Coke. Coca cola. Oh dear. (Image: Corner. Corner Shop? Oh yeah, I made that joke.)

I have just been informed that a local store was actually done for dealing behind the scenes! There's one to go with the Dalmation burgers on Take Away Alley. Oh NASTY, I've just found out that the Dalmation burger place used to top up the mayonnaise. I won't explain for fear of truly grossing. Safe to say someone enjoyed it at least.

I HAD got 100 codestones. I sold them for a tidy 355k!
We did see the new James Bond, Quantum of Solace. If I'm being nice, I'd say it wasn't so much "Bond, James Bond!" as "Bland, very Bland." The girls were a little mediocre, the ripoffs just a little too obvious, the product placement too blatant, the effects just a little too much and the story just a little too bland.

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