Thursday 28 February 2013

David and the Dragons...

So, on Monday, I sent a letter out, thanking someone very dear to me though I have not had the pleasure of meeting them in person. I thanked them for inspiring me to be a better person, educating me and ultimately leading me to discover my passion for bearded dragons.

I sent two identical photos of said dragons, one blank, and one with a little information about each lizard on the back. (And a compliment from Tsam). I must have caught him at home, because I was surprised to see an envelope with my name on it so soon.

Lo and behold, Sir David Attenborough has (incredibly kindly) sent back the spare photo with his autograph on! How awesomesauce is that?! Hehe, Sir David Attenborough knows what my lizards looks like and their names...

I can't get over giggling at how cool that is!

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I'm sorry, Amber's not at her computer right now - please leave a message and she'll get right back to you as soon as she can!

