Sunday 25 September 2011

Bright Beardies and Bath Bombs

Tsam has spent weeks trying to get Sandy to be nice to him. Every time he appears, giving it his best stamp and bobbity, she pulls a sooty face and turns her back on him. I took pity on the poor boy, and fished out the good ole sparkly pipe cleaners.

We've always had great success with these, from his favourite angel costume to his "big scary green dragon" costume. Needless to say, his glittery symbol of affection caught her full attention, and she's been much sweeter to him.

We also took advantage of the lovely weather to train Hyph on the big world outside. He's still not good with leashes, but the warm sun encouraged him to calm down and plate out.

Once we got home, I had a lovely bath, and the nice people at Lush made me laugh. I'd bought one of their "toffee apple" bathbombs - when I dropped it in the water, the creamy yellow ball suddenly split in half, and this bright blue, super fizzy ball shot out of the middle. The water instantly turned ocean blue - and the blue ball spat out a bit of paper as it disappeared... It said "BANG!"

Just then, the slower melting yellow shell disintegrated, crackling and popping with fizz candy, turning the water a delicious, clear emerald green.

Thanks Lush, that was awesomesauce!

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