Monday 5 March 2012

Oh that's just chuffin' brilliant...

We got some bad news earlier - His Lordship's father changed his will and left everything to steam trains, and there's nothing we can do about it. We have yet to find out if we even get to keep our house, but hey, that's just how things go sometimes.

I was cheering Himself up by reminding him of nice things; he has me, food, a roof over his head, you know, all the small things that you forget to appreciate in life, when he said, "You don't have to consolidate me you know... wait, no..."

Considering I was listing the things he has in life, I think "consolidate" is the perfect word!

Phew! I'm just exhausted.  I've had a storming week at work, followed by a mental Saturday where we went out for dinner with the grandparents, did the shopping for my friend with hairline fracture in his leg, cooked two IMMENSE cottage pies to serve five starving grown men and played cards until 2 in the morning.

This is the Martian's serving. It's bigger than a chihuahua. And is his second helping. Considering he's not a huge guy, he can REALLY pack away the victuals - I don't know where he puts it. He emptied that plateful in under five minutes and started eyeing up the second pie I'd reserved for tomorrow...

Anyway, on Sunday we viewed two potential new homes (one crap, the other nice but too expensive), before prepping the veg and helping to cook dinner for seven at Mum's. We then all played cards with Nan until 11.

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